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    • By Oshea
      Morning, taken a step back from quad bikes and hounds - Don’t need the grief anymore. Having moved house my country has changed, curious of those that do hunt the hills with their lurches and a terrier at your heel, how do you bring them on? Getting the right dog for the job is no brainier but what about the training? Thanks. 
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    • By WhiteSalukiBitch
      **sorry for the double post**
      I know I'm probably going to get the piss severely ripped out of me for asking this, but
      Has anyone ever successfully trained a deaf lurcher (from two working parents and I own her 4 year old sister who is an awesome little bunny basher.) 
      Genetically she has potential, but...what do you experts think? 
      She's not a Double merle by the way, it's extreme piebald/white head. Her vision is perfect 
    • By WhiteSalukiBitch
      I know I'm probably going to get the piss severely ripped out of me for asking this, but
      Has anyone ever successfully trained a deaf lurcher (from two working parents and I own her 4 year old sister who is an awesome little bunny basher.) 
      Genetically she has potential, but...what do you experts think? 
      She's not a Double merle by the way, it's extreme piebald/white head. Her vision is perfect 
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