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Is Lamping Unsporting?

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A monkey could sound clever on here ... even you have managed it once or twice ......

Anyone who's lamped a bit will know it's not, by any means  Cheers, D.

I'll go with that what's sport got a do with lamping ,it's about a bag full a boot full a freezer full what Eva ya fancy,sporting animals a sporting days his that shames has a sporting animal the diff

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Athens summer there ta grow him her right,livestock breaking water all the smells and delights of the countryside ,nought new to him then.   Just don't over gallop him to early little bits lead up when covering ground  lots to be installed through the summer of course last but not least train the animal basic commands  no  for a start do this round the house leave take all useful in the field oh aye teach him the basic no pissing indoors lol.atb bill

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1 hour ago, billhardy said:

Athens summer there ta grow him her right,livestock breaking water all the smells and delights of the countryside ,nought new to him then.   Just don't over gallop him to early little bits lead up when covering ground  lots to be installed through the summer of course last but not least train the animal basic commands  no  for a start do this round the house leave take all useful in the field oh aye teach him the basic no pissing indoors lol.atb bill

Aye that's first on me list bill stop pissing in me kitchen haha, ive been training him all the basic stuff seems to pick it up quite fast, what time around would you reccomend to start him running behind my bike etc? 

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2 minutes ago, Lowther said:

Aye that's first on me list bill stop pissing in me kitchen haha, ive been training him all the basic stuff seems to pick it up quite fast, what time around would you reccomend to start him running behind my bike etc? 

I wouldn't bother wi any of that fitness lark just show him sheep and other stock and ya ferrets if you got them and basic recall, bit retrieving  soon be too bollicking hot

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3 minutes ago, Black neck said:

I wouldn't bother wi any of that fitness lark just show him sheep and other stock and ya ferrets if you got them and basic recall, bit retrieving  soon be too bollicking hot

I'm waiting for a lad to give me a message off here to get some ferrets but I'll be introducing him as soon as I get em, do you think it's not worth bothering then? Just let him run about the countryside? 

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1 minute ago, Lowther said:

I'm waiting for a lad to give me a message off here to get some ferrets but I'll be introducing him as soon as I get em, do you think it's not worth bothering then? Just let him run about the countryside? 

What with ferrets yes , biking not till he's grown properly and I don't mean just have him tearing about the countryside any old how you Norris just let him be a pup?

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7 minutes ago, Black neck said:

What with ferrets yes , biking not till he's grown properly and I don't mean just have him tearing about the countryside any old how you Norris just let him be a pup?

Haha who you calling a Norris like! Ah divvnt nah a young lad asks for abit advice and you just start abusing them I've heard about your type before haha, I'll just keep him on the beans and walks then 

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3 minutes ago, Gilbey said:

not telling you what to do with your hound, but imo they are fit enough first season just by being young and daft, steady away

All advice is welcome mate as you can tell am a novice 

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9 minutes ago, Lowther said:

All advice is welcome mate as you can tell am a novice 

You be right mate just tek it steady ,I completely ruined a perfectly good lurcher when in me teens by rushing into things , the dog ended up the hardest mouthed non retrieving thing ever and as a bonus yapped like fook and was petrified of fox

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1 hour ago, Black neck said:



You be right mate just tek it steady ,I completely ruined a perfectly good lurcher when in me teens by rushing into things , the dog ended up the hardest mouthed non retrieving thing ever and as a bonus yapped like fook and was petrified of fox

Haha nothing worse then a yapper! Think I'm just second guessing myself to what I should and shouldn't be doing but I'll take in the advice and just let him be a pup while he's still little and enjoy him and then worry about the hunting and fitness when he comes of age 

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