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Woodland tactics


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Secured a new permission this arvo, it’s been on the cards for a week or so but been shown the land today while I was on a afternoon pigeon sorty at another permission. The land is owned by the Hoover man, James Dyson, who I hear owns an epic amount of Lincolnshire. Anyway, I was told the wood was big, but when I had a wander down and have a quick look around, it’s big. I’ve always wanted a proper woodland permission, I have two smaller ones, 2-3 acres each at most, but this is 48-50 acres of pure thick English woodland. That might not be a lot to some, but it is me. 

Im not sure how to even tackle anything on that scale... while there this arvo, it was rammed full of pigeons, crawling with tree rats, I was tackled by two large groups of whitetail plus two stags and it’s just a bit two big. 

I plan hitting various areas, I can set up feeders and just hang about in sections, I suppose I don’t feel like I’m gonna make a difference pest wise. So any tips please gents... I don’t mean on killing stuff, more so the technique of tactically targeting specific areas within a large woodland. 








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looks a nice bit of wood  as said divide it up into sections and you can shoot a bit and rest a bit and swap over next time you go out  , or you wont be able to cover a large woodland each time you go out 

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