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Mixy " Disgusts and infuriates me "

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I was out pricing jobs up this morning and feeling good because my prices won the day for us.

               In built up traffic, all swerving around something in the road, I noticed a buck rabbit hopping aimlessly backwards and forward against the kerbstones not knowing where to go or do.

              It`s eyes were like golf balls, oozing with puss.

              I put my hazard lights on and my son ended it`s misery there and then,- instantly.

              Whoever invented that vile disease needs a good chop to the back of the neck aswell.


                                       atb  Mark


p.s. not a happy chap as this was just half a mile from my rabbit permission.

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A really awful disease brought in from Australia. I generally find we get one year with mixy and then two or three years clear, then it starts all over again. An old friend of mine used to live in Australia and worked as a truck driver, he said the fields could be brown / grey colour which were rabbits. Many of the truck drivers carried a gun of some sort and often shot the rabbits for a barbie lunch at the side of the road. He told me that you didn't need to aim, just roughly point in the direction of the field and you would get at least one or more.

Whilst I hate mixy, it must have been terrible to be a farmer in some of the Australian states where the rabbits caused so much damage. Just wish it had never been brought here.



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Had one run up to me and rub its head on my boot

i put the barrel on the top of its head and put it to sleep

put the rifle in the bag and went home

that was it for me that day.



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Myxy was identified by a French doctor (his name escapes me) who's Hippocratic oath obviously did not extend to Rabbits, he identified the disease in south American Lagamorphs  and released a couple of infected ones onto his own Rabbit strewn property, when our authorities realised the dreadful mistake they had made in bringing the disease to our shores, they tried to fence off the whole of Sussex in an attempt to stop the spread................ It failed, and that dear reader is why we have the revolting disease still with us today, utterly disgusting and incredibly cruel. 

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Philip Larkin wrote a poem called Myxamatosis.

Bigmac's post reminded me of it:


by Philip Larkin

Caught in the centre of a soundless field

While hot inexplicable hours go by

What trap is this? Where were its teeth concealed?

You seem to ask.

I make a sharp reply,

Then clean my stick. I’m glad I can’t explain

Just in what jaws you were to supperate:

You may have thought things would come right again

If you could only keep quite still and wait.

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3 hours ago, LuckOrJudgement said:

Philip Larkin wrote a poem called Myxamatosis.

Bigmac's post reminded me of it:


by Philip Larkin

Caught in the centre of a soundless field

While hot inexplicable hours go by

What trap is this? Where were its teeth concealed?

You seem to ask.

I make a sharp reply,

Then clean my stick. I’m glad I can’t explain

Just in what jaws you were to supperate:

You may have thought things would come right again

If you could only keep quite still and wait.

It took it out of me that day LJ

iv remembered that day and all ways will LJ

its not nice to see mate

came across one with next to no fur,, bald and as thin as a match stick

it hits you it dose no matter how hard you are .



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Vile disease ,a shoot we share near here on beaters day was strewn with the corpses of bunnys.Bunnys that only the month previous we,d been laughing at theyre antics trying to get out of our way in the cover crop as we walked through.Dont these scientist,s realise a flea born plauge once nearly wiped out man across europe <Bubonic plauge still here by the way>.Keep meddling with mother nature and one day she,l say sod u lot and start again.:doh:

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7 hours ago, Baldcoot said:

Vile disease ,a shoot we share near here on beaters day was strewn with the corpses of bunnys.Bunnys that only the month previous we,d been laughing at theyre antics trying to get out of our way in the cover crop as we walked through.Dont these scientist,s realise a flea born plauge once nearly wiped out man across europe <Bubonic plauge still here by the way>.Keep meddling with mother nature and one day she,l say sod u lot and start again.:doh:

We haven't even got that, mate.

I have permission on a large farm near my old house. Nobody can remember the last time they saw a rabbit ! In my new location, me and the dog have covered mile after mile, day after day - nothing ! No beats, no active holes, no signs - nothing !


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Have shot a few rabbits with mixey it’s actually quite hard when you see these poor creatures just sitting waiting to die but there you go all we can do is put these poor animals down in the most humane and quick way we know. 

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52 minutes ago, Lee.m said:

Have shot a few rabbits with mixey it’s actually quite hard when you see these poor creatures just sitting waiting to die but there you go all we can do is put these poor animals down in the most humane and quick way we know. 

If it was legal, I would much rather " PUT" the idiotic  chemists responsible in prison.

                     How to " decimate the countryside" by " Know  nothing bloody idiots".

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Mixxy is not pleasant, no argument! But its been around 60 + years now and will be for a long while yet, so nothing new here, can't remember a year I don't see it somewhere.

How about a word with the Animal rights idiots who let the Mink free in the UK, the numb nuts who thought it would be nice to have Canada Goose on their pond and the twats who deliberately introduced the Grey squirrel, etc etc etc etc etc

Our wild Boar population is growing largely down to escapees/released animals as has the deer varieties...wait for the Wolves to escape/be released!

It's about time we stopped meddling with nature!


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