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malinois x whippet

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Ray...my lad sounds just like Buck regards temperament,  he's been really well socialised and is a real friendly dog but if another dog tries if on he can turn it on Love the look of that whippet

My bro has a malli x Whippet he’s a year now taken a long time to mature but a fast hard and clever dog  

That was bad luck trigg with Ben it just was not ta be but in the future if you need a animal and I can help you I would try my best fa you ,ya one of a very few in this game a good man withba jukes p

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nice  dog not to big , nice for rabbiting day/night , prob put bit more fire in to it, than what a collie would , keep  us posted how he does  towards the end of the season, by then he should have few rabbits .:thumbs:

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Bird I know you have shep x .... What one be like as a worker but living on farm too? You think it'd be useful for other jobs .. Ratting/chase a few sheep (without killing em?) stuff like that... Or a high prey drive liability that fu*ks off al the while hunting 

just wondering as been thinking about getting one for a while now 

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  On 14/03/2018 at 11:14, Ptd87 said:

Bird I know you have shep x .... What one be like as a worker but living on farm too? You think it'd be useful for other jobs .. Ratting/chase a few sheep (without killing em?) stuff like that... Or a high prey drive liability that fu*ks off al the while hunting 

just wondering as been thinking about getting one for a while now 


well suppose  mate , we should only go on the dog you use, mine been very good dog , had lot of rabbits with, and even though he big dog, he picks rabbits  quite easy , he got long stride , covers the ground  quite quick , he agile and not bad pace to him, and enough grit in him  if anything else  popped up in front of him .:yes:  . being 1/2 gsd he been easy to train, very loyal, likes people so crap guard dog lol, good with other dogs, he move away from them if they try to start on him , good job really  with his size and strength . regards sheep he good  he wont touch them, it was easy training him he just copied  old Bryn, he was hot headed when he younger  he 6 in august , he bit calmer , but you have to watch though  if by any roads  , ive had couple close calls he seen a munjack  went right a cross after it, and one day seen a cat on the other side of road he went after it, had to run in the road to try get him back, once he sees something that he thinks is quarry  he go flat out after it , so you hve to be very careful  with by any roads etc, but very good x , 1/2 or 1/4  gsd to a lurcher line  you get very good dog deff .:yes:

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Thanks ?..I suppose it depends on certain dog/lines etc but wondered if it be good for guarding as well as hunting/ mooching around.. Dual purpose sort of thing. I don't keep a Lurcher so many times I see stuff out and about... My labs too fat and my collies too lazy so I get two fingers from anything they chase off  ?

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  On 14/03/2018 at 14:26, Ptd87 said:

Thanks ?..I suppose it depends on certain dog/lines etc but wondered if it be good for guarding as well as hunting/ mooching around.. Dual purpose sort of thing. I don't keep a Lurcher so many times I see stuff out and about... My labs too fat and my collies too lazy so I get two fingers from anything they chase off  ?


and how the dog brought up mate,  my 2 are kenneled together , but have there own space if they want it. But the older dog  never barks , and big dog just   copied him,  both are friendly to people. Now i know if he have  been kenneled  with say jack  or say a collie , dogs that  make good watchdog,  i reckon he would have  started to guard deff . But i wouldn't  want him  aggressive with people , dont forget  he more  fitter/ healthy , and prob stronger, faster  than pure gsd , as he hybrid = 1x g x grey   , so he be bloody handful if he was nasty :yes:  , get  nice  jack  mate they good watchdog :thumbs:

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I've had jacks mate they just piss off up to no good .. I've been keen on another lurcher for a while last I had was useless nutter that put me off for life,  this cross seems quite rare but what you do hear about them is generally good,even on here lol ...To be fair I don't actually need a guard dog I just like a dog that will bark if some one turns up... My fat chocolate lab bitch been the best guard I had lol...she put my all my old dogs to shame..

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  On 14/03/2018 at 10:16, lifelong cumbrian said:

Is that one brother of Brego mate, that Brego is a nice animal and iv read a few posts on him working well.


Yes bregos big brother postie fetched him from us he not far from us another male near postie think postie bumped in to him a time at wo mooching ,we still have have the dam 

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In fairness there's a male dog in wales that was taking teeth at a very early age  if mine I would have waited a while longer given the animal more experience on easier teeth ,he was also catching long ears easily ,I saw him work he had good early pace ,postie will no the welp I tried ta steer him to that male  lol.ha came around twenty six eye catcher fa the xs atb bunnys.

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Ray...my lad sounds just like Buck regards temperament,  he's been really well socialised and is a real friendly dog but if another dog tries if on he can turn it on:thumbs:

Love the look of that whippet cross..looks ideal ferreting companion. 

This is the brother to Billhardy's Cruyff...





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I had the brother to bill hardy and posties dog. He made 26tts and what a cracking dog to have round the house and kids. He did guard on occasions and was tuned into the hunting game very well. Unfortunately he just lacked top end which may well have been brought on by a injury he picked up in the garden.  I had him to a bone man who told me the dog had chipped a bone in his tibia cress he may well have done some damage to the cruciate ligament. I done everything to the letter to get the dog right again but it just wasn't to be which was a shame as I really liked the dog.

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