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Terrier mistakes

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3 minutes ago, dogmandont said:

I’ve a little bitch here that I’ve never dug to, but she keeps the lurcher busy bolting out of places you wouldn’t run a digging dog, killed 5 in 6 days over Christmas this way so they have their uses.

id a border bitch the same a we fox bolter which ya dug on occasions but could run her everywhere

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Stop end I've said it before and I'll say it again you do spout some bollox.terriers are just terriers not machines programmed to do a specific job so yes any terrier can and does on occasion have an

I agree with you their are plenty of lads that would love to see a good dog fail instead of seeing it do a good graft then jealousy has a lot to do with it. I have heard of lads telling other men slip

Was in the same predicament myself MG a few seasons back with a dog that I still have to this day. Big sandy place dog had the run around for first half hour then was working away in a spot, we left h

3 minutes ago, dogmandont said:

I’ve a little bitch here that I’ve never dug to, but she keeps the lurcher busy bolting out of places you wouldn’t run a digging dog, killed 5 in 6 days over Christmas this way so they have their uses.

I've said this before. One of the most useful terriers I ever seen was a 1/4 staff ,3/4 jack russell bred in Dublin about 27 or 28 years ago. Called Tiny and he was around 14 lbs I'd say. 

His owner didn't keep a season and everything dug was killed so Tiny never met the same animal twice. He was used 3 or 4 times a week and dug to maybe 2,3 or 4 times a day. 

What was he like in a big deep place ? I don't know because he was never put in such places. But do the math on 3 days a week, twice a day maybe accounting for 3 or 4 head per day, 12 months of the year.

How useful can a terrier be ? And IMO Tiny was a cur, but a useful one who was sadly killed by a lurcher who was an even bigger cur.

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Rest and a fresh start like others have said that’s what I’d do .

i don’t envy you as you’ve got a long summer ahead wondering about it, and you’ll start the next waiting for him to make a mistake as well .

to me now I could be wrong but to me it sounds like you’ve made your mind up that the dog is at the start of jacking properly apologies if I’m wrong . 

Good luck I hope the dog  works out for you ?

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heres one to think about, dogs like boxers, ali was seen as the greatest by many although he was defeated a few times, Marciano was a hard b*****d and retired undefeated (my fav) then theres fraudly Harrison an out and out wimp after all the shouting, which is your dog most like? and to many the one whos seen as the greatest made mistakes but crucially bounced back, or theres lennox lewis he was defeated a few times but beat every opponent he ever fought as he done better 2nd time round.  lol

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or should have put it another way,   the Marciano = the hard b*****d that takes no prsioners

                                                               the ali= the bayer mixer that gives and takes stick

                                                              the Tyson fury= the bayer that ticks away holding his quarry at bay

                                                               the Hughie fury= the one ya dig to that's sitting 5ft back

                                                               the audly Harrison= the one min wonder that flys out with the tail between the legs with that look wtf was that

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Mistakes are their too be made. Only downfall is that it has done on a number of occasions in a short space of time. It can do no harm too hold him till the start a next season but only so many excuses can be made for a dog. Please  god he comes good but I'd be extremely wary.

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Good to hear honest answers and not just about the days when everything goes right for a terrier and it's quarry .something that some people won't speak off.  At the same time though, a dog should be given its fair chances and some things are for a reason.  Difference in mistakes and just starting to not work to requirements and a dog who does it not to please it's owner but does its upmost best 

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Mistakes can and do happen. It's then down to the gravity of the mistake and how often they happen. Loads of factors need to be taken into account..Was the dog sick, how much workload was he given (Every dog can be cracked. It's one thing testing a dog, it's another setting him up for a fall.) Etc, etc. When you spot a mistake be honest and call it what it is, put it in the back of your mind and keep an eye on him. It's when it reoccurs and becomes a pattern that's the problem..

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On 11/03/2018 at 19:35, Mixedgrill said:

Dogs would put your head away chum ..yeah he's still very keep I pushed him a bit coming to the end of the season and he went well 

Was in the same predicament myself MG a few seasons back with a dog that I still have to this day. Big sandy place dog had the run around for first half hour then was working away in a spot, we left him over 20mins and went to him, nothing much gets by this dog but before we got in that day everything shifted. He searched the place for easy 45mins, showed, turned back in on his own accord and searched again. He couldn't come onto it again. That and one other time, was the only time that dog has let me down. He's the guts of 9 yr old now so I've no worries about him not doing his job, it's part and parcel of terrierwork sometimes unfortunately and if anyone tells you any different, they're telling lies or not doing enough or not testing there terriers enough. I'm not afraid to tell anyone about it because it is what it is. I've dug him out of the same place from that. But that's not the point. If they're winning more than they're losing you can't be bad to that, unless the ones they're losing is coming common and you know it's that they don't want it enough. I hope that's not the case with your own atb.

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Maybe I missed it but how old is the dog? I know my beagle I was ready to give up on the first season. Second season however she hit the ground running and has been as good a second I’d expect out of her. She’s not amazing but if theres a rabbit she’s will find and run it. 


Maybe your dog dog is young? Still learning? Could come back next season and remember it all plus have some maturity that will help a lot

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2 hours ago, Yankeeterrier said:

Maybe I missed it but how old is the dog? I know my beagle I was ready to give up on the first season. Second season however she hit the ground running and has been as good a second I’d expect out of her. She’s not amazing but if theres a rabbit she’s will find and run it. 


Maybe your dog dog is young? Still learning? Could come back next season and remember it all plus have some maturity that will help a lot

Wrong thread mate, there's a bushing dog section ?

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