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The Russians

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I watched it aswell. It was shitty journalism and I don't like Sweeney.

But are you saying navalny isn't banned?his predecessor was gunned down. 

I can think of @ least 6 journalist's murdered and another few jailed who opposed Putin. 

As for a ploy by the EU explain to me why they would do that.

They don't need to make Russia out as the bad guys most sensible folk know there democracy is a joke and the regime will not tolerate any criticism and they are responsible for some shitty things.dutch airline assassination on foreign soil. Then the interference in American elections.

I will say this about the Russians though unlike here even when they know there country is at wrong they will defend it and most are patriotic. 

As I said earlier it's all propaganda and fake if you don't happen to agree. But you're own news outlets are spot on. 

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Fair play to them, we should have done the same to Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness. In fact Abu Hamza would have looked tidy wasting away from radiation sickness......I’d have had a poster of i

Just keep an eye open for what May and Barnier are slipping in the back door while we have this plastered all over the porch  

May's threat of sanctions must have worked as it would appear that Russia's President Putin has now revealed the name of the agent who poisoned the ex spy, as he was clearly heard to say "Yukanol Fuko

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  On 15/03/2018 at 09:17, scothunter said:

I watched it aswell. It was shitty journalism and I don't like Sweeney.

But are you saying navalny isn't banned?his predecessor was gunned down. 

I can think of @ least 6 journalist's murdered and another few jailed who opposed Putin. 

As for a ploy by the EU explain to me why they would do that.

They don't need to make Russia out as the bad guys most sensible folk know there democracy is a joke and the regime will not tolerate any criticism and they are responsible for some shitty things.dutch airline assassination on foreign soil. Then the interference in American elections.

I will say this about the Russians though unlike here even when they know there country is at wrong they will defend it and most are patriotic. 

As I said earlier it's all propaganda and fake if you don't happen to agree. But you're own news outlets are spot on. 


Just cross check the information your given mate, like your statement regarding interference in the American elections, they have made the allegations turned every stone but we're is the hard evidence, we can all film a car in our rear mirror and say we are being followed but it don't make it true and lastly I would say I distrust the British as much as the Russians they all divide opinion and keep people living in fear, that's how so few control so many it's just a never ending cycle and the government have just slipped through £50m of spending on our chemical weapons facility unchallenged because they identified the poison used in this  made up case, what a lot of bollacks 

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What about the banning of anyone who has any chance of taking votes from Putin or the murder of the last serious contender to Putin. 

I did say it was shoddy journalism and yes we can't prove did prove that car was taiing them. 

But going by past reputation it wouldn't surprise me. 

How the f**k can you say made up case lol

2cunts are in hospital seriously ill and 21 British subject's were admitted to hospital. 


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  On 15/03/2018 at 17:06, scothunter said:

What about the banning of anyone who has any chance of taking votes from Putin or the murder of the last serious contender to Putin. 

I did say it was shoddy journalism and yes we can't prove did prove that car was taiing them. 

But going by past reputation it wouldn't surprise me. 

How the f**k can you say made up case lol

2cunts are in hospital seriously ill and 21 British subject's were admitted to hospital. 



The CIA, NSA, and MOSSAD done it to make Vlad look bad, obvious!


Does the shiny side of the tin foil face in or out for my hat?

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  On 15/03/2018 at 17:06, scothunter said:

What about the banning of anyone who has any chance of taking votes from Putin or the murder of the last serious contender to Putin. 

I did say it was shoddy journalism and yes we can't prove did prove that car was taiing them. 

But going by past reputation it wouldn't surprise me. 

How the f**k can you say made up case lol

2cunts are in hospital seriously ill and 21 British subject's were admitted to hospital. 



Name the 21 people and what was wrong with them, the 2 Ruski,s are fecked any one else who thought they had been in contact were told to use a wet wipe ffs, we the English with our American buddies have sold chemical weapons all over the world including to sadam in Iraq, does that mean everyone who gets poisoned is the fault of the governments that supplied the poison or does that only count if it was made in Russia,???? just wake up and smell the bullshit they are all the same, no one government is any better, some just hide it better, we are all just disposable pawns in there big chess game 

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The reason Navalny was banned from running for president is that he's a convicted fraudster. Whether those are trumped up charges remains to be seen. It is my understanding he does not have a great deal of support in Russia, but he is lauded in the west and the EU. The main opposition party in Russia is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. With the right leadership they may be the party to one day take Putin's crown?

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Here are the candidates running in the presidential election and their views towards the EU (in case you're wondering, I don't normally read Sputnik News). Some sound level headed and others are a bit outlandish:


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You're arguing with yourself greyman read my posts properly if you're going to quote me!

In never said anything about our government being snow white and not c**ts.

I assume you're sarcastic remark "name the 21" is that you don't believe it.

Also I couldn't give a shit if we stockpile weapon grade chemicals 

I have an issue with it being used to assassinate people on my country's soil. 

Again you seem to call every thing by the UK government is lies and fake but have no problem in saying Russia is innocent they been set up. 



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