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Mink on my mind

Guest little_lloyd

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Guest little_lloyd

As my raft is still out of use over the christmas period,, I still have mink on the mind so today i decided to place a cage down on the shoots lake,, I dont know if there is any mink on this lake at all,, its just we have water voles on the lake and i was thought it would be a good idea to place a cage down to catch any mink dossing around the lake.


This probally could end up like ditch shitter lol :laugh: But im only doing it incase their is mink around preying on the waterside wildlife




The cage all set and waiting -- i baited it with kippers as it was all i could find this moring lol But i will get a rabbit as rolfe tells me it will work better :thumbs:




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Guest little_lloyd
Hi LLoyd,


I will be intrested to see how you get in with the mink cage mate............keep me posted.

If there are any mink there, you should catch them...........and it will be a bitch i'll bet!





Rolfe i will leave it be for a week,, then remove it from the water and if i have nothing by then introude it again futher on in the year!! I will probally end up with a rat i think tho lol

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Guest little_lloyd
question : are conibear traps allowed over there ?



Yes or magnum bodygrips as there know as here!!


As much as i like using my magnums,, this lake or any waterway i would prefer to keep them in the shed :yes: Too much risk of catching the Otter or the Water vole which are both protected species and what most of my mink trapping is done to protect and encourage both of them.


There is a small ditch from the lake which if any mink are in the area would act as a highway to them so might set a magnum on that spot as in know the voles are not present there,, only rats!!

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question : are conibear traps allowed over there ?



Yes or magnum bodygrips as there know as here!!


As much as i like using my magnums,, this lake or any waterway i would prefer to keep them in the shed :yes: Too much risk of catching the Otter or the Water vole which are both protected species and what most of my mink trapping is done to protect and encourage both of them.


There is a small ditch from the lake which if any mink are in the area would act as a highway to them so might set a magnum on that spot as in know the voles are not present there,, only rats!!


Thanks for the reply. A vole on the pretected list ? wow, that is like the ground hog and flying squirrel being protected here in WI but are vermin in every other state. Who knew.

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Guest little_lloyd
question : are conibear traps allowed over there ?



Yes or magnum bodygrips as there know as here!!


As much as i like using my magnums,, this lake or any waterway i would prefer to keep them in the shed :yes: Too much risk of catching the Otter or the Water vole which are both protected species and what most of my mink trapping is done to protect and encourage both of them.


There is a small ditch from the lake which if any mink are in the area would act as a highway to them so might set a magnum on that spot as in know the voles are not present there,, only rats!!


Thanks for the reply. A vole on the pretected list ? wow, that is like the ground hog and flying squirrel being protected here in WI but are vermin in every other state. Who knew.




The water vole,, it suffers mostly from mink predation and in an area where the mink is active the water voles will not recover,, The voles could be gone and dusted in less than five years!! The mink is not a native to us the vole is,, the mink is not welcome in our countryside :no:

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ive always had better results when cage trapping on banks to have a small clay pipe (the old foot long drainage pipes) leading into the trap, so the trap cannnot be seen atall and is in complete darkness. never used to bait them either, mink are very inquistive, the best draw for one is the smell left in the trap by another mink. would be worth you trying to find some old pipe, and make it look a tad more natural imo.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest little_lloyd

Just a little update!!



I have not been online this week,, Ayway on wednesday morning when i went to remove the trap for a few days as i would not have the time on my hands to of checked it every morning,, Ther bait-- Kippers was gone,, vanished from the back of the trap :icon_eek:


What i think is that it was too close to the back of the trap and some clever f*****g thing decided to take it from the oposite side of the cage,...Who knows lol :doh:


Anyway im going to set the cage down again on tuesday so well see.

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No mate ,your bait was eaten by mice ,voles or shrews .You will know when a mink or otter trys to drag bait out the back ,believe me .Just to add ,I was told many years ago that the best deterant for a mink was an otter as they wont tolerate them in the same territory.If theres no sign ,tracks of them Lloyd then rest assured ,you do not have mink on that lake . :angel:

Edited by foxdropper
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Guest little_lloyd

Foxdropper.,.. I agree i suspect is was most defenet Mice,, Shrews and that sort that did it.


Anyhow,, Where we find mink we dont find otter,, then when we find otter we dont find mink,, they do not get on :no: and other native predators such as the otter moving in live is getting more dificult for old minky.


I can honeslty not see an otter on that lake ever!! But it seems a little dead for something not being around,, The area i live in has alot of waterways,, streams,, Rhynees,, Rivers ,, Brooks, lakes and there is a fait few mink around,, My dads friend regully picks them up on the rhyness by his farm and we take them on the little stream down by the house and i know there alive on the rivers beacuse i have seen many up and down the river with hounds in full cry behind.


Also on my little bit of brook im rafting at the moment i picked up prints on my clay twice a few weeks back but have not cuaght her,, The whole trust knows when spring and summer is here the catches will be more frequent its mainly monitering this time of year for us.


There is a small stream along by the lake but i have not looked around enough for any obvious signs of mink,, But whether there is one or not it wont be on that lake long,,..Only time will tell me tho :thumbs:

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  • 1 month later...
Guest little_lloyd

Just thought i would share some print pictures i found today just of that lake,, Either Feral Ferret or Mink.


Have not had my cage up thier for a fair time now but put it back earleir where i found the prints.





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