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Can my lurcher run again ??

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I have a 10 month old lurcher she had a displaced fracture on her rear  leg from falling into a rabbit hole while running the vet put wire round her bone it’s now been 6 weeks since that and you can even tell she broke it just wondering if anyone has ever run there dog after and will she be able to come out lamping with me in the future any help appreciated 

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In my experience I’d say it’s all very Circumstantial, ie what ground your working over, if it’s healed well, I know of a mates black bitch that completely snapped her two front legs and she’s turned out to be one of the best allrounders ive ever seen she picks up on shoots, ferrets, run all night on the lamp, the list goes on, I say Take it slow through spring and summer, and starting building her up really slowly at the end of August for the season ahead, and who knows? Hope this helps and it all works out.??

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My old lurcher had a similar injury.same leg.minded him like a baby when the cast came off.he missed a full season over it but the rest paid off as he ran again without much hassle.obviously as a lad said above I did pick his ground to run over as the thought of him breaking it again was always there.  Dont jump the gun and bring him out to soon. Best of luck

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