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here are some pics of my favourite bitch pup they are 5 1/2 month now, ill get some up of the boy and other girl soon,sorry about the quality of the pics its shot through a window because they dont stand still for a second!

also some pics of there dad.

check out the feet on the pup they all came out with feet like that nice and tight not to long ,like the fathers







Edited by workindogz
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thanks guys these are my other two pups, i was really expecting to 1/4 this breeding if the first crosses proved them selves but at the moment they are looking like theyll be quick enough for all things(aint gonna make a long ears dog) but everything else, as you can see the boy is heavier buit than the two girls but still faster buit than alot of half bull crosses iv seen its still early days and they coulld all change but i think theyll be quick enough,

the name of the game is to produce my own line of lurcher capible of all situations when its just you and the dog, ive seen bullx do this and i am luckily enough to own one but i feel the percentage of a bull cross litters( even in the best of breedings) that fall short of the grade is to much of a gamble ive seen and heard of top bred litters haveing a cpl of jackers or wasteage i just want to try and cut that down to a minium while improveing on size ,heat tolerance ,less dog agression and strengh,

maybe this cant be done but it beats breeding pretty KC dogs thats for sure!






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best of luck mate....they do seem very racey for a first cross......and I like the fact that you've had the ballacks to know exactly what you want......and have got on all out to get it................knwoing that it may or may not work.


With your sensible outlook and foresyth, Im sure you'll get what you want it the end...and I hope you do :victory:

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