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Well this was going to be boxed up for BlackBriar and sent down for him

But iv had a few issues with it ,,mainly going off when the barrel is put back up 

i thought it was down to the safety being missing ,

And it went off again this morning when my son was standing next to me

so its a full strip back and removal of the sears to see whats wrong

or replacement of sears

Now this was going to be for the kids shooting club But me and Gary had a talk and we both agreed it was to dangerous to let loos on the kids

the way it is ,

and i could not live with my self if any one old or young got hurt by a rifle that was not right in the first place

so im going to strip it back and sort her out ,

If i cant i know JUST THE MAN THAT CAN

Any way i got a pm off Phil pot the other week asking if i wanted the Air sporter back as it was not getting used and as it was a nice rifle he felt it needed to be used

now i love this AS but after a long hard think about it i told him to send it down to BlackBriar (Gary) for him and the kids shooting club

so it would get used now it may be a bit big or long for the kids at first but in sure the BIG KIDS will put it to good use any way


This way the kids old or young are still getting a rifle to use as promised and donated by ME and PHILPOT 

right im off to strip this hawk back and see whats up

O and im doing the action back to black (bluing) as the lacquer is starting to come off lol


PS, this is still Garys rifle lads  



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May have found the problem all ready

the spring that fits in the sear and the trigger when cocked some times it falls to the botton thus not holding the trigger in place allowing it to move freely and not holding it in place .

ill have to look into this as the safety go,s along side this and the fact that its missing may be the reason the spring is falling

i may have to shape it to fit as iv tried to source a safety for this and cant find one .

ill order a new spring for it any way as this one has seen better days .

the sears look ok but ill order them to if and its a big if i can find them







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Just stripped the laquer off and im going to see if i can get a new chamber as well for it

im not happy with the way the pin sits in it

dont get me wrong once its in the stock it dose not move but it dose not look right

or i may stick a weld in it and reshape it to fit the pin

if i cant get the parts ill strip it down and store it away for parts

or until i come across another




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1 minute ago, mattwhite said:

That would be a shame Jimmy as you've put some time and effort into it pal. The stocks a looker mate?

Iv a feeling the stock is the problem Matt

When the action is out of the stock it dose not go off when you close the barrel

you can open it  50 times and close it 50 times

and it will not go off

But put it back in the stock and as soon as you close the barrel  BANG off it go,s

iv had a look but cant see if its catching any where

its got me puzzled lol


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Jimmy is that the one of me mate ? Sure to damn I’ve got one of them  springs here ? have you a photo of the safety catch that’s missing it’s quite possible I’ve got that two somewhere (you’ve seen my garage)

atvb mark

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Just thinking about something jimmy .

Remember the pro sport I got and took it back because I wasn't happy with what some plonker had done to it?

Well one issue was with the safety.

You could push the safety into the fire position, squeeze the trigger and nothing would happen.

Push the safety in just a whisker more, and that would fire the rifle without touching the trigger.

I'm not sure what your safety/trigger setup is like on that rifle but don't discount it being how the rifle is lined up in the stock with no safety in it pal. It's worth investigating??

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Could the gun not be given to a gunsmith and an explanation of what is intended with it for the kids ?

                       Surely a half decent gun smith would also work free of charge,- " wouldn`t he " ?


                        Good on you Jimmy and co  :good:

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I think it's a shame that the public never sees this side of the shooting community -  friendship and camaraderie like they wouldn't see anywhere else ! :toast:

Philpot has kindly sent me an Airsporter, which Jimmy brought back to life, and will be making its first appearance at the weekend..........and she's a real beauty............and I'm having first go ! :thumbs:


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13 hours ago, mhopton said:

Jimmy is that the one of me mate ? Sure to damn I’ve got one of them  springs here ? have you a photo of the safety catch that’s missing it’s quite possible I’ve got that two somewhere (you’ve seen my garage)

atvb mark

Mark its the first one you gave me when we first met up mate the one with the interchangeable barrels 

iv not got a pick of the safety but ill get a diagram off chambers mate and ring the part

Iv a sneaky feeling this is a mk3 stock in a mk2 action

i could be wrong ,,,just a feeling iv got



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Looks like i may be right about the stock if you look

at the stock in the diagram its different to the stock thats on the rifle 


PS defo a mk3 stock lads in a mk2 action just had a look at the mk3 diagram

looks like im going to have to do a little bit of carving out

all the screw holes line up perfect mind

but it is a mk2 action as it say,s so on the chamber lol




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