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Iv watched many conspiracy about it and I honestly believe it was Americans that murdered there own that day ...the bush administration  mad mental cut like his dad .. what other way to get the backin

Show me proof not conspiracy theories. Plenty proof showing what did happen.  Tbh it's been discussed loads of times on here and the conspiracy theorists never come up with anything credible. 

Yes . But 9/11 no not even maybe.  For reasons I previously gave. Also in this era of whistle blowers and social media. Let's just say for arguments sake they did do it. They would need

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100% this was not a terrorist attack.

How did the planes hit in the top third of the buildings yet they dropped from the bottom...exactly as a controlled demolition.

Fireman and police around the building at the time heard multiple explosions at ground level just before they came down.

All the destruction yet on the rubble within a couple of hours they found the passport of the lead attacker?

The Pentagon was 'hit' in the finance archive making trillion dollar problem disappear yet no plane wreckage was ever found there?

The buildings had just been sold and massive insurance policy put on them

Third building collapsed due to a fire totally unrelated to any terrrist attack but just happened to be at the same time? That building held the finance office linked to the Pentagon trillion dollar problem. Again collapsed as a controlled demo would.

Look how long grentfall tower was burning to massive temps and still stood. 

Anyone who thinks this was a genuine terror attack needs to do some research into it.

Regards evidence there is masses. Where is the evidence it was a terror attack......an unscathed passport found in the street outside after the building collapsed???????

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remember it well, the mrs phoned me and said “America is under attack!”.....

I went home, The city got shut down......terrible  scenes of those poor people jumping to their deaths.

The only good thing to come out of it was that it finished the IRA once and for all......they got buried that day.

No more noraid dollars and no government on earth to tolerate them......they knew every measure could now be brought to bare against them.



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1 hour ago, ginger beard said:

Somebody said it was so the yanks can invade and take the oil.the coalition after 9/11 went into afghanistan,there is no oil or anything else in afghanistan.

Didn't need to be gb.... They only wanted it to run the oil pipes through :whistling:

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Yes . But 9/11 no not even maybe. 

For reasons I previously gave. Also in this era of whistle blowers and social media.

Let's just say for arguments sake they did do it.

They would need hundreds of folk in on it. No way that would be kept secret. Not to mention the fact more than a few would not have the stomach for it killing a load of firefighters and innocent folk. Also citizens of other nations. 

If it came out America would be finished as a nation. Those responsible would be executed!

Pure fantasy. 

Forgetting all that they did not need to do that to invade Iraq. That's a very weak argument. 

Some folk see conspiracy theorists n everything. There heads just can't accept the fact shit happens. 

But if they ply the conspiracy card they sell books get hits on YouTube vids and like David icke make millions from talking to the crazies.

But conspiracy has always been around. Titanic pyramid's etc etc etc. 

Some are plausible but any I have looked into there a counter argument just as plausible.

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5 minutes ago, scothunter said:

Yes . But 9/11 no not even maybe. 

For reasons I previously gave. Also in this era of whistle blowers and social media.

Let's just say for arguments sake they did do it.

They would need hundreds of folk in on it. No way that would be kept secret. Not to mention the fact more than a few would not have the stomach for it killing a load of firefighters and innocent folk. Also citizens of other nations. 

If it came out America would be finished as a nation. Those responsible would be executed!

Pure fantasy. 

Forgetting all that they did not need to do that to invade Iraq. That's a very weak argument. 

Some folk see conspiracy theorists n everything. There heads just can't accept the fact shit happens. 

But if they ply the conspiracy card they sell books get hits on YouTube vids and like David icke make millions from talking to the crazies.

But conspiracy has always been around. Titanic pyramid's etc etc etc. 

Some are plausible but any I have looked into there a counter argument just as plausible.

Give it a try:




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2 hours ago, scothunter said:

"100% this was not a terrorist attack"


This is why i see conspiracy theories as horse shit! 


Fair cop Scott.

100% in my mind it wasn't terrorist. That isnt how I explained it though. 

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One that springs to mind was the passenger plane couldnt perfom the manoeuvres at low altitude that it took but the biggest 1 for me is building 3 ? But get what your saying about keeping it quiet but whos to say what technology they got we dont know about and there was alot of work around the lift shafts prior to 9/11

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