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Game Salukis

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  On 09/03/2018 at 18:41, two crows said:

 the hare while quick off the mark, has fantastic stamina and can not be classed as a sprinter, and a coursing lurcher must poses this to stand any chance of being a consistent hare catcher, the saluki is the only dog that can add the x factor, we in this country have taken a dog that was developed thousands of years ago and added it to our dogs to create (in my eyes at least) a superior animal bred for a specific purpose, I don't know when the first saluki crosses appeared, or indeed if it was done with any knowledge of what would happen, this dog was the father of my first saluki cross almost fifty years ago.



Nice to have pics like that to look back on :thumbs:

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the hare while quick off the mark, has fantastic stamina and can not be classed as a sprinter, and a coursing lurcher must poses this to stand any chance of being a consistent hare catcher, the saluki

No excuse for baiting

The rag heads have hunted the deserts to emptyness and 99.9% of those runs are with dropped game,load of old shite all of it if you ask me and i'd rather watch paint dry..

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  On 09/03/2018 at 16:00, Busher100 said:

Ok then so what other breed would add more then the saluki to the coursing bred dogs of today who are regularly catching 3-5 a session on big land  I can't think of any other type of lurcher that will do that and be able to do it consistently I know lurchers of all xs will catch hares but not in the same numbers the saluki xs can and I think most would agree.


It's the UK so something native if i were the courser of old puss with her being a native animal,it's just what i think personaly and nothing ever written or spoken by another man will change my mind as i think using a coursing dog with saluki blood in it is cheating.Good working brains to box them in like they do but just not for me and yes iv'e seen some very good saluki blooded dogs course in the field,i also have a lurcher with saluki blood in her :laugh:and she was bred for a purpose from fully tested parents and the only native blood in her is greyhound so i may sound daft saying all this but i see it like this really...... For the SPORT of coursing saluki blood is cheating,for the KILLING of hares they are the best..:thumbs:

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  On 09/03/2018 at 19:10, fireman said:

It's the UK so something native if i were the courser of old puss with her being a native animal,it's just what i think personaly and nothing ever written or spoken by another man will change my mind as i think using a coursing dog with saluki blood in it is cheating.Good working brains to box them in like they do but just not for me and yes iv'e seen some very good saluki blooded dogs course in the field,i also have a lurcher with saluki blood in her :laugh:and she was bred for a purpose from fully tested parents and the only native blood in her is greyhound so i may sound daft saying all this but i see it like this really...... For the SPORT of coursing saluki blood is cheating,for the KILLING of hares they are the best..:thumbs:


Interesting post fireman. 

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  On 09/03/2018 at 19:10, fireman said:

It's the UK so something native if i were the courser of old puss with her being a native animal,it's just what i think personaly and nothing ever written or spoken by another man will change my mind as i think using a coursing dog with saluki blood in it is cheating.Good working brains to box them in like they do but just not for me and yes iv'e seen some very good saluki blooded dogs course in the field,i also have a lurcher with saluki blood in her :laugh:and she was bred for a purpose from fully tested parents and the only native blood in her is greyhound so i may sound daft saying all this but i see it like this really...... For the SPORT of coursing saluki blood is cheating,for the KILLING of hares they are the best..:thumbs:


browns ain't native..

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as I said the two firstx I seen one was a terrier mans  done nothing but teeth mine to I believe the firstx is a superior animal to the coursing dog for gamenes maybe we were lucky ??both eat everything they sank there teeth into seen a few others great hare dogs but nothing else ?

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  On 09/03/2018 at 16:00, Busher100 said:

Ok then so what other breed would add more then the saluki to the coursing bred dogs of today who are regularly catching 3-5 a session on big land  I can't think of any other type of lurcher that will do that and be able to do it consistently I know lurchers of all xs will catch hares but not in the same numbers the saluki xs can and I think most would agree.


How many are really doing that these days? And how many are bred on a ancestral name rather than their own achievement? Those that have been there and done that are superb but?

As to what could bring something to the table? These will bring speed endurance, robustness and heat resistance and only the best proven dogs get to breed.


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