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the hare while quick off the mark, has fantastic stamina and can not be classed as a sprinter, and a coursing lurcher must poses this to stand any chance of being a consistent hare catcher, the saluki

No excuse for baiting

The rag heads have hunted the deserts to emptyness and 99.9% of those runs are with dropped game,load of old shite all of it if you ask me and i'd rather watch paint dry..

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  On 07/03/2018 at 17:35, desertbred said:

Most Arabs Train Salukis to pin the quarry not kill it so then it can be halaled for the table. Those are two pups hence they are trying to pin it not kill it but you experts know all about salukis my arse, 


Puts some of the posts on the joke thread in the shade does this little gem..:thumbs:..

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  On 07/03/2018 at 22:05, fireman said:

Puts some of the posts on the joke thread in the shade does this little gem..:thumbs:..

  On 07/03/2018 at 17:35, desertbred said:

Most Arabs Train Salukis to pin the quarry not kill it so then it can be halaled for the table. Those are two pups hence they are trying to pin it not kill it but you experts know all about salukis my arse,     





I watched a program about dog's a few year's back and it showed a saluki coursing a hare,and from what I remember the dog had it pinned under a small bush with it's feet but didn't touch it with it's mouth.

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  On 07/03/2018 at 22:51, peterhunter86 said:




I watched a program about dog's a few year's back and it showed a saluki coursing a hare,and from what I remember the dog had it pinned under a small bush with it's feet but didn't touch it with it's mouth.


WWE for dogs, after 3 seconds the Saluki become champion of his division 

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  On 07/03/2018 at 18:33, stumfelter said:

Trust me they'd all be over here if they had the fcuking chance.....


Too late for us here we have whole suburbs full of them,most of the outlaw and violent crime gangs here are made up of them.I put there violent natures down to generations of breeding with relatives.As with bees you have to bring in new queens now and then for new blood or they become too aggressive to manage.

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  On 07/03/2018 at 17:35, desertbred said:

Most Arabs Train Salukis to pin the quarry not kill it so then it can be halaled for the table. Those are two pups hence they are trying to pin it not kill it but you experts know all about salukis my arse, 


I was listing the points I, and anyone with half a brain, could clearly discern. Yet you still felt the need to defend that attrocious piece of cruelty, whether or not the owner/owners deliberately slipped those pups. And what did he do to stop it? Ah that's right, he filmed it to show the world wide web!  Get real for f**k sake, all you ever do is stick up for anyone/anything saluki related.

Edited to add, I certainly am not an expert on salukis or the countries in which they were developed, but I know stupidity and cruelty as soon as I see it, and that was both, couldn't give a flying f**k  what stupid religious practices that anyone is foolish enough to follow or believe in

Edited by shaaark
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  On 08/03/2018 at 10:09, shaaark said:

I was listing the points I, and anyone with half a brain, could clearly discern. Yet you still felt the need to defend that attrocious piece of cruelty, whether or not the owner/owners deliberately slipped those pups. And what did he do to stop it? Ah that's right, he filmed it to show the world wide web!  Get real for f**k sake, all you ever do is stick up for anyone/anything saluki related.

Edited to add, I certainly am not an expert on salukis or the countries in which they were developed, but I know stupidity and cruelty as soon as I see it, and that was both, couldn't give a flying f**k  what stupid religious practices that anyone is foolish enough to follow or believe in


I DIDNT DEFEND f**k ALL i told how it is as for knowing about salukis and working them you and the Fireman know f**k all so go back to ferreting or what ever you do numb c**t.

Edited by desertbred
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  On 08/03/2018 at 13:44, desertbred said:

I DIDNT DEFEND f**k ALL i told how it is as for knowing about salukis and working them you and the Fireman know f**k all so go back to ferreting or what ever you do numb c**t.


Chill out, have yourself a cadbury's caramel :).  I don't do ferreting, haven't for years. Anyway, you did defend it by mentioning training methods, halal etc.  Peace out brother :thumbs:

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  On 08/03/2018 at 14:52, Maximus Ferret said:

Good to get a bit of a sensible discussion going now the seasons about played out........         :whistling::rofl::rofl:


Anytime now the match challenges will be doing the rounds, with pups that are so well bred the lines go back to the pair of dogs that noah took with him on his ark.  That was something to do with the middle east or thereabouts I think

Edited by shaaark
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  On 08/03/2018 at 13:44, desertbred said:

I DIDNT DEFEND f**k ALL i told how it is as for knowing about salukis and working them you and the Fireman know f**k all so go back to ferreting or what ever you do numb c**t.


In that case oh wise one can you tell me the right dune words that will tell a saluki to pin it's game rather than bit it and does the way i shout these words mater if i'm not in a land cruiser doing 50?...

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