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It's not just the dogs

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Feel for you bud ive broken one of my shoulders & dislocated the other years ago & the dislocated one gives more grief Also had both my knees done so i always wear a head torch now with a low light setting cant risk going over again especially at my age !! Hope you make speedy recovery bud. Atb 

Edited by Dinosaurs
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2 hours ago, Sirblessed said:

Thz mate should be right, I'll take it easy over the next few weeks stick to the ferreting for a bit.

take it easy mate, as you prob know i done  my shoulder in permanent  , pushed the bone  at the top  out of alignment , it will never go back without  a OP , well at my age 65 , i left it , and do ok  got 90% movment, but the left shoulder weak now, but my right arm always been my strong side, it ok but can't sleep  long on my left side .

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14 minutes ago, socks said:

Good god man 'tis a mere flesh wound ... up and at em old boy ......

Already back at it mate, take a bit more than a busted shoulder to keep me out of the game, besides the f dogs whining was driving me mad

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54 minutes ago, bird said:

take it easy mate, as you prob know i done  my shoulder in permanent  , pushed the bone  at the top  out of alignment , it will never go back without  a OP , well at my age 65 , i left it , and do ok  got 90% movment, but the left shoulder weak now, but my right arm always been my strong side, it ok but can't sleep  long on my left side .

I remember that night mate. There was rabbits every where and we had to go to the hospital before you made it over the first gate lol

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I'd guess lampers hurt themselves quite often. I know I've had a few over the years, mainly from trying to get field to field without showing any light. 2 or 3 years ago I decided to climb down a small cliff in the dark, only 3 metres or so. I put the first foot down onto a clump of growth and as soon as I put weight on it it gave way and left me hanging upside down by the other knee. Luckily one of my sons was with me but the knee took a good while to be sound again.

Onwards and upwards.

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1 hour ago, Sirblessed said:

Already back at it mate, take a bit more than a busted shoulder to keep me out of the game, besides the f dogs whining was driving me mad

That's fukcing whippets for you ......

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