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I have sussed it.........

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Oooh,!  leave him alone;  He seems like a nice boy,  and he's  got lovely teeth.  And the amount of money that he gets. Estimated wealth of something like £ 4.5 million ! Perhaps its something to do with names, like fred, Burt or Harry rather than quentin or tarquin. I blame global warming as well.

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Right, as there have been a few threads where the problems in dear old Blighty have been the subject of conversation it has obviously been on my mind....... And I have come to a conclusion.......

I went out for breakfast this morning. The place was packed so I sat outside with the dog. It was brisk at -3ºC but no wind. I ordered steak and eggs for me and got a side order of sausages for the do

very funny thread this,,,but you all realise we have turned in to our dads moaning about the younger generation....

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I don't think very many young lads really consider that fella a role model. :laugh:

For the average teen and twenty something their role models are Eddie Hall, Tom Hardy, that MMA Irishman, maybe Dan Bilzerian and the likes.

But yeah they do probably eat the odd lettuce too.

Edited by Born Hunter
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 WilfYou have to adapt thers nowt wrong with a bit of salad as long as there’s fillet rare and eggs on top of it and Coleman’s mustard   handy stuff if you shave but no good for the beardie gang ? and Chris  it’s minus -56c here none of them car heater gadgets we just get on with it ,  not much snow about either well there wasnt last time I looked when me n lurcher had brekki outside this morn :p




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Dont give a shit what folk eat or look like. As tomo said we got moaned at for our attire and eating crap.

Also the way a lot of brits look these days borderline obesity they could do with salads.  As for rylan i had to google he was lol


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 I can remember old farts back in the 60's & 70's wittering on about our long hair and clothes, they were the ones that had forgotten what is like to be young lol. Every generation has its own fashions and in the main it's all about sex, young blokes will go through a lot of shite in the hope of it, old feckers who have lost the drive will ever forget what it was like to be young.:laugh:

Image result for muppets old blokes balcony7WM5b-1455126128-1740-list_items-rod_stewart.jpg

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  On 28/02/2018 at 10:01, scothunter said:

Could be worse they could be dressed in there bullshit religious garb and burkas. 

Or the mandatory polish (eastern European )attire of kappa trackiez knock of trainers and hoodies or leather jackets. Speaking not a word of English! 


Where do they still get it from? I thought kappa was gone 

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  On 28/02/2018 at 10:17, South hams hunter said:

Where do they still get it from? I thought kappa was gone 


No c**t said anything about it being new gear lol

Also they are like the chinks they copy everything. Went to that shit hole Bulgaria once. They were constantly pestering folk for tops. Footy shirts etc. Stalls full of knock of gear. Silly b*****d who was with us bought a pair of trainers. 

First time he was kicking a ball around with one of the kids the soles fell off lol

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