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More bloody red tape

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it's a shame to see them being so ridiculous about. It's not that surprising if I am honest. The fact of the matter is, it's a controversial issue. some don't like shooting or hunting and I know that most of us get that. However it makes them look like they are doing something about 'controversial' youtube content. Arguably the videos of warfare and from warzones etc are argued as 'news worthy' etc. I would disagree, I don't want to watch someone cut in half by a train, regardless of whether I am over 18 or not. Personally I can see this being an issue that's brushed under the carpet because as a community the outdoor sports community don't pull together enough to do things. If we don't work together for everyone, we will all lose. It's like airgun law, the airgunners don't want airguns licensed, they start a petition but the ferreters that don't airgun don't care cause it doesn't effect them and the fly fishermen don't care because it doesn't effect them but when the rod license price increases as it does every year they are quick to ask for others help to make it change. 


Unfortunately we are a community that is often poorly portrayed in the media. Sadly I got accused of being a hare courser the other day whilst walking my two dogs. One is a spaniel collie mutt and the other is a staffie cross. I was told 'you look like a hare courser, we don't want none of that round here' why? Because I was walking 2 dogs, driving a crap car and wearing a green jacket and wellies. 


We are hugely misrepresented. I would love to create a space other than this and similar forums where we could accurately be represented but the fact is, without everyone standing shoulder to shoulder. We don't stand a chance. I'm not a running dog person. It's not my cup of tea. But that wont stop me from defending peoples who do like it's right to do it. In the same way as I am not a fan of hunting foxes with hounds but if that is your thing then power to you and I wont let my personal opinions stop you. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but we all fall under 'country sports' or 'outdoors sports' or whatever the hell you want to call us. 


It sucks for Giles. His videos weren't my favourite but they were worth a watch for sure. It's good to see Ted stepping up to the plate to try and see change though. 

(sorry for the rant all, hot topic :/ ) 

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