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Backpack hunting

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It seems to be the done thing in other places, NZ, Oz and the states. I guess because they have state forest to hunt. It looks to add a whole new dimension to hunting, a bit of adventure that we lack in the way we stalk. 

I did a couple of nights away in NZ, hiking into mountains to stalk reds - unsuccessfully as it happens, but that trip was more about pig hunting so was more focussed on that.

Im going to do a few over nights once the roe buck season starts, see if i can create my own adventure.

Does anyone else do it here?

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Great idea  -  I’ve been to NZ myself and can see how that would inspire you! Wouldn’t fancy packing a red out over their hills though as those fellas like to sling them over their shoulder... it’s bad enough with a roe.

Something I’d definitely like to do with my lad when he’s older, also do a winter one in a cabin or yurt.... and where you can rack them up on a pole outside and not worry about the flies.

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2 hours ago, Tyla said:

It seems to be the done thing in other places, NZ, Oz and the states. I guess because they have state forest to hunt. It looks to add a whole new dimension to hunting, a bit of adventure that we lack in the way we stalk. 

I did a couple of nights away in NZ, hiking into mountains to stalk reds - unsuccessfully as it happens, but that trip was more about pig hunting so was more focussed on that.

Im going to do a few over nights once the roe buck season starts, see if i can create my own adventure.

Does anyone else do it here?

Good luck mate m, it will be a good thing to do, you will certainly be there at the crack of light, I don’t know how the tent/ camp will disturb them, but if you want to get out on the limits of a Moore/  fell, I can’t see how they could be a better way,

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Cheers lads. Once theres a few kess dark hours it'll mean be able to stalk til late and then be in the right spot first thing without any disturbance.

Sadly we dont have much in the way of moors or fells here but i'll find somewhere nice in the woods for a base camp.

I will chuck some pics up when i give it a go.

Heres one of NZ. Love that place!


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8 hours ago, foxdropper said:

We are never far enough from civilisation here to warrant a backpack trip really but i get the need to just get away from it .Used to go bush in school holidays with a mate and  just a lurcher and airgun  for few days but that was  in my feral stage lol.

I think i might well still be in my feral stage ?

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It appeals a lot, just kinda unnecessary in the UK. I think the Pace Brothers run what they call 'wilderness hunts' in Scotland. https://www.thepacebrothers.com/wilderness-hunts

I just like packing my rucksack and rifle and hitting the wolds/downs for the day. Yeah you're amongst agriculture as opposed to wilderness but it's the closest I can get to that wild freedom that I seem to crave.


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To be fair none of what we do is strictly necessary is it? It fulfills something in us that i guess has been there since the stone age. Ive always hunted and camped, im just going to make more of an effort to combine the two. Theres certainly not much actual wilderness around me but there are places that are out of the way enough to please me

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  • 1 month later...

Well, with a mind to one day doing a backcountry hunt (or even merely a ramble) I've just ordered one of these Swags.


Initially I'm thinking of just having the odd summer night stargazing followed by morning stalk/hunt. Be a lot easier to get up at 4-5am when I'm already in the field! LOL

Then who knows..... Shame we don't have 'public land' in Scotland or whatever.


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Summers one thing but whole different ball game in depth of winter .Forcing yourself out of a warm double lined sleeping bag is defo far from waking up refreshed under the stars in summer .Done it once in Devon years ago .Better no to sleep and go straight through .

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On 23/04/2018 at 11:42, Born Hunter said:

Well, with a mind to one day doing a backcountry hunt (or even merely a ramble) I've just ordered one of these Swags.


Initially I'm thinking of just having the odd summer night stargazing followed by morning stalk/hunt. Be a lot easier to get up at 4-5am when I'm already in the field! LOL

Then who knows..... Shame we don't have 'public land' in Scotland or whatever.


Not a bad bit of kit but to big to be carrying around far ......

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