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First ferret advice

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Alright guys I'm been thinking of getting a ferret or a pair for a while now  I'm just trying to put more game infront of the pooch. 

Im just wondering what you lads feed them,best bedding , should I get male and female?  or as it's my first I should just get one ?, if I did get two should I get litter mates or not ? My dog is fine ferrets he's met  my misses friends micro ferret (it just looked like the runt) and there was no real problems after an hour our so he was off lead walking round with it.  ??

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I dont know where in wales you are but i will be breeding some from my workers this summer...... drop by and take what you want mate, probably sort you a dozen nets and a carry box to go home wit

This is just my opinion and nothing else, but I would wait a few months and get two jill kits at 8 weeks or so old. I feed my  ferrets mainly on minced chicken carcass, liver and hearts, with the

Yep agree with above two Jill kits from the same litter ... as for feeding .. rabbit pheasant squirrel pigeon any meat really ... not to much offal as it scouts them ... as for bedding i use shredded

This is just my opinion and nothing else, but I would wait a few months and get two jill kits at 8 weeks or so old.

I feed my  ferrets mainly on minced chicken carcass, liver and hearts, with the odd bit of rabbit. The reason I dont feed more rabbit it because they like to hide it. Its like playing hide and seek after a day or so looking for the remnants of a manky piece of rabbit. It gets on my tits to be honest. I get minced carcass from the local butcher for £1 a kg, which is nothing. This also provides them with a good bone content without them hiding anything.  I then feed all the hearts and livers out of the rabbits I catch. I also add a little cheap mince now and then. 

Bedding wise, I put and inch or so of wood shavings in the bottom of their nest box and fill it with shredded newspaper, simple, cheap and does the job without bringing in any fleas or mites etc. 

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Yep agree with above two Jill kits from the same litter ... as for feeding .. rabbit pheasant squirrel pigeon any meat really ... not to much offal as it scouts them ... as for bedding i use shredded wax paper the same as my dogs use .... build as big a house as you can for them and add tubes etc to keep them fit and occupied .....

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I have jills and 1 hob to take them out of season when they come in. 

They get feed what they catch as they've earned it but i gut the rabbits first and remove the liver (i heard it has alot of vitamin D? Iron  that can be bad) plus the new rabbit virus attacks the liver first.

I also get 18kg a ferret biscuit to keep them topped up so its there if they want it, but i have a picky ferret that only eats meat. Day old chicks are good bite size meals but not substantial all the time.

I started with 2 unrelated jills and they got on fine depends if your going to breed and sort a linage out.

Jills will come into season every year and need to be taken out of season or they can become unwell. So knowing someone with a v-sec hob is handy.

As for bedding i get 25kg a shavings for £6 and 25kg a chicken bedding for £8 this last 2 1/2 months on a weekly clear out and 2 daily toilet clean out.

They are in a 10x4x6 foot run with a 3 teir hutch with nest boxes to sleep in and tubes and hollow trees. They seem to like it. (They havent told me other wise)

Just my 2 pence worth.

Good luck, i was in the same boat as you 2 years ago and im glad i chose to get ferrets i love it.



Edited by Furrosious ferreter
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I always use 2 hobs from the same litter,they get on living together and you don't have to worry about breeding.If you are flushing for dogs you don't have to worry about rabbits baulking at the nets and getting dragged down by the bigger ferrets.I feed rabbit,chicken and kitten kibble and eggs.I know most prefer jills but I like hobs,also good in blackberry patches and are real characters.You don't need big cages if you work them often.

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I would not feed Pork or Dairy i.e. milk, I also like two jills from the same litter just my own favour. I use quite a large nest box filled with straw and never use hay once again just my preference.

Cheers Arry

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  On 23/02/2018 at 09:06, gwalchmai4110 said:

I dont know where in wales you are but i will be breeding some from my workers this summer......

drop by and take what you want mate, probably sort you a dozen nets and a carry box to go home with you aswel bud



That’s the spirit, a very generous offer to a new ferreter 

nice one

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