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Trapping fussy greys

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I've got a squirrel trapping job on the go where I have several (numbers unknown) in a loft space of an old black and white cottage. There is NO loft access so I'm trapping outside using cages baited with whole yellow maize and peanuts.


I've caught three but it's too slow. I (think) know the problem - they obviously have an alternative food source or stash somewhere. The customer actually saw a squirrel taking maize from in front of one of the cages and take it away and bury it.


So what I'm after is a bait more attractive to get them queing up to get in those cages before they chew up the wiring in the blind void!

I was considering corn on the cob? chocolate bar - any recommendations? peanut butter?

Edited by zig zag wanderer
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you hear all the stories....... i've tried peanut butter on my last roofspace job, not a single take from the bait, so i swopped to just peanuts.


now he belongs to me. outside, i've had variations, like you say its what they are used to.... can you speak to the neighbours, see who's over feeding the birds and ask them to either stop or reduce this for a week or 2...?

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I would use a Fenn but I haven't got around to making any tunnels yet and the lady has a cat that gets on the wall where the squirrels get in (could get messy).


I don't think there are any near neighbours, they've probably raided someone's walnut tree so I'm just after some tasty choc bar or smelly titbit to make them feel hungry even if they're not.

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You don't say how they are getting in/out of the loft? If it is a little hole into a small void (as a lot of the lofts of old B&W cottages are) then try popping a hob ferret in the hole, once they are out (and it won't take very long!!) then block it up and keep your cages set round about to catch them when they return.



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i use monkey nuts and they work well, though, like its been said, everyone has their own favourite. Obviously its hard to give a theoretical diagnosis, but if you are slowly catching them its better than not at all.keep at it with the live traps if you wont use fenns, good luck.

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I use a third of a dried maize cob wired above the treadle plate. That way it moves freely and they tend to land on the plate while trying to feed, and cant nick the bait through the bars.


I have known some strange baits used, depending on the circumstances. One of my lads caught three using 'Quavers'. :icon_eek: Its horses for courses I suppose.

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Guest little_lloyd

All i use for the squirrels is the corn and grain i feed my birds on,, Place a tunnel under a hopper with a fenn mk4 set in it,, And place two sticks on either end of the tunnel in a ^ position to guide the squirrel straight onto the trap palte for a nice quick catch.


Never set many cages for the squirrels tho beacuse ive been more sucsess full at catching pheasants in them insted :doh:


As i was checking some tunnels i set this morning, There was a squirrel sat out in the drizzle munching mixed corn by the tunnel,,So wthout a doubt ill be seing her agian shortly :D

All the best with those little critters, LL

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