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boxing day fishing........

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Grand fish mate,were they from near the city?.How long do the sea trout hang around for?.



just above the city near yer uncles old beat! ime not sure how long they hang around for,its the first time ive caught them in that river. :D

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Thats what i was thinking, also they would have large kypes wouldnt they???..and sea-trout on bread?????



nice fishies though...i would love to get them pulling on my rod... :yes:



serious guys ! this fish was caught 7 miles above salisbury ,the avon is known for its run of salmon and seatrout christmas week.it would only have a kype if it was a male i believe! as for the bread bait it was! the place where i caught it is full of big browns and are fed by a lot of folk feeding the swans and ducks,i guess they remember that when they return!

it isnt a one off fish either,i caught a smaller one of 2lb the week before in the city.


and no rod was involved :whistling:

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Somebodys telling pork pies :icon_redface: Fish caught at this time of year would be red as kippers, not bars of silver.



bit of a cheek making yer first post and calling a member a liar! still clearly you know sod all about the subject. :feck:

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Somebodys telling pork pies :icon_redface: Fish caught at this time of year would be red as kippers, not bars of silver.



bit of a cheek making yer first post and calling a member a liar! still clearly you know sod all about the subject. :feck:



I'm not going to call you a liar but I was thinking along the same lines about the colour, especially regarding the brownies and even hen migratory fish will show signs of a small Kype when sexually mature. I'm basing my opinion on my observations of the fish I've had and seen from my rivers in the North East and have no experience on rivers further South.I accept that on our rivers migratory fish will run and spawn off as late as January( I say late to differentiate between spring run MSW fish) however I would expect most Brownies to have spawned off well before Boxing Day. I can see from the photo they appear to be quite plump when you cleaned them were they full of spawn? Nice fish all the same!

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:icon_redface: Doh Yes I was thinking I wonder if they had already spawned off while I was typing and mixed the two phrases up but you knew what I meant or you wouldn't have bothered correcting me. To continue in that vein IMO they look too fat to have been early spawners although the sea trout taking bread suggests otherwise. I have heard that they will re-absorb roe/milt if for whatever reason they don't find a mate but would have thought there would have been some evidence when you cleaned them any thoughts?. Ah well possibly another of life's mysteries that will remain unsolved :hmm: . I'm not a John or even a Jon by the way.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Somebodys telling pork pies :icon_redface: Fish caught at this time of year would be red as kippers, not bars of silver.



bit of a cheek making yer first post and calling a member a liar! still clearly you know sod all about the subject. :feck:



Sorry! :hmm:

Edited by secretagent
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Somebodys telling pork pies :icon_redface: Fish caught at this time of year would be red as kippers, not bars of silver.



bit of a cheek making yer first post and calling a member a liar! still clearly you know sod all about the subject. :feck:



Didn't mean to upset you mate :no: Buy you a pint next time I see you. :drink: I'm only speaking from experience, been taking salmon and sea trout from rivers up here for last 30 years never seen anything as clean as that after mid October, come to think of it never seen a sea trout that small either. :whistling:

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