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Another school shooting in America

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The bottom line as I see it anyway is that this cop wasn't an ordinary member of the public who happened to be carrying a gun and was wandering on by ... he was paid to do a job which was to protect that school and everybody in it from just such an incedent ... he will have had extensive training in all manner of scenarios and situations and the drills should have been second nature to him ... should he run in all all guns blazing with a bandana on his head ... of course not ... should he have gone in tactically using cover to advance to the shooter getting as close as he could to either kill the shooter or distract him with opposing gunfire ... fukcing right he should have but he stayed outside being of no use whatsoever allowing kids to be murdered ........

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Actually, you are to blame........the society that folk of your political persuasion have fostered and encouraged, the barriers you broke down are directly responsible for those kids deaths imho

amazing hes still alive.....mind you he is white.....

Apologies Stiff I have re read again ,my replies were completely wrong . Hope you can accept I was miles off the mark

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  On 23/02/2018 at 21:24, delswal said:

The fella is getting slated because he was outside for 0r taking cover for 4 minutes, yes 4 MINUTES, put yourself in his place he hears automatic gunfire and kids and teachers screaming in school corridors, the noise must be echoing all around them corridors kids running everywhere, you think 4 minutes is to long to try and asses the situation and where the shots are comig from? wonder what would have happend if he had gone all gung ho and they found a kid with a 9mm round in them who got caught in the crossfire............was he right or wrong to wait 4 minutes he was there..........one thing for certain the media who are reporting this were not there but ones things for sure they will have a bad guy to help sell newspapers


He should have assessed that situation in seconds 4 minuets is literally a lifetime in situations like that ......

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In the most famous armed entry in history ,

a year of surveillance concluded there were no more than 5 armed people in bin ladens compound 

yet nearly 100 devgru and rangers were tasked . 


100 of the best armed and equipped soldiers in the world. 

And the media are expecting some middle aged guy in see through socks to go and rescue an entire school . 

Yes he probably could have covered people as they made their escape . 

But again, if he’d led people out to being cut in half by 5.56 then he’s a mug again. 

He gets killed , he’s a mug. 

He shouts his presence to those in safety. The gun man hears. He’s a mug. 

He waits for a better equipped unit to arrive . He’s a mug. 

The man couldn’t win. 

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The difference is the guys in bin ladens compound were trained were in key defensive positions and were there to protect bin laden and weee alert to an attack. Immigration at any time ... this was a messed up kid shooting wildly with no thought to his attack ... I agree with the scenarios above of what could have happened but by staying outside and doing fukc all there wansnt even a chance of saving anybody ... everybody in there was fukced anyway so get in there and at least try ......

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  On 23/02/2018 at 22:01, Rusty_terrier said:

He signed up for it. Alot of folk reckon it's a bit much but that's why they wouldn't sign up for the job



Surely you don’t have to die though? 

Thats like saying a lumberjack should loose an arm so the xmas trees are in the shops as “ he signed up for it “ 

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oh my good god.........Nowhereville USA, the dude has probably spent his entire career handing traffic tickets and having a jaw with the local shop owner over coffee.

He hasn’t been to the Ranger School or training for SEAL team 6 week in, week out !

f**k sake, think about it ! 

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  On 23/02/2018 at 22:06, Rusty_terrier said:

Ok here's a scenario for everybody.  A kid is being beaten to death in the street for 4 minutes a police officer hides and watches this happen and does nothing because the guy dishing out the beating is bigger than him and he is scared he will get hurt is that ok ? Was he right ?


Obviously not but two men in London cut a soldiers head off on the street and bus Fuls of people sat and watched 

don’t overestimate bravery , it’s rarer than you think 

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  On 23/02/2018 at 22:10, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Obviously not but two men in London cut a soldiers head off on the street and bus Fuls of people sat and watched 

don’t overestimate bravery , it’s rarer than you think 


Not on here it ain’t, every c**t is a samurai ! 

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Here’s a better example 

two soldiers waiting to go to Afghanistan order a pizza and as it pulls up to the gates of their camp , the Ira cut them down with an ak 47, following up with point blank execution . 

The Guard hid with his pistol until it was over, 

now do you stand up and go toe for toe with a Provo and ak ?

cause that’s exactkyvwhatvhappened 


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Well, he has been a police officer for 32 years and probably protected more people than he knows in that time.......I wouldn’t call him a coward.

4 minutes is going to destroy the mans life?......f**k off ! 

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It’s reality mate , nothing personal .

  On 23/02/2018 at 22:17, Rusty_terrier said:

What did the guard sign up for was he a basic security guard or was he under strict instructions and no illusions he should do all he could?


The guard was provost service , 

ex military guys in the main 


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