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Another school shooting in America

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No I don't for one min think sporting guns should be banned.

I'm happy with the gun laws we have and the checks we have in place.

Understand what you are saying about its People. Hear it every time there a shooting over there.but aye it's the nutters ofc it is but the guns help and up the body count. 



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Actually, you are to blame........the society that folk of your political persuasion have fostered and encouraged, the barriers you broke down are directly responsible for those kids deaths imho

amazing hes still alive.....mind you he is white.....

Apologies Stiff I have re read again ,my replies were completely wrong . Hope you can accept I was miles off the mark

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  On 15/02/2018 at 18:41, delswal said:

Guns are in the hands of the public albeit rifles and shotguns, ok that crack pot who shot the children at Dunblane used a hand gun and after that hand guns were banned. What if somebody decided they wanted to out and shoot folks the same damage could be done with a semi auto shotgun could it not?

It's not the guns that are the problem it's the people with the guns. Should we ban all guns including sporting guns? Sensible people don't go around killing folk for fun, fcuking idiots do, if an idiot cannot get a gun a sword knife machete will do the job.

But I will agree with you on one thing SH, I agree with the handgun ban no need for joe public to have a .357 .44 or 9mm in the house   


what if your hobby is pistol shooting ?

how would you like it if your type of sport was banned 

the reason they dont want us to have guns is because they want the power and control

if it was about our safety muslims would be banned

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  On 15/02/2018 at 18:46, Ted Newgent said:

quoted for truth


as for people not being able to have a handgun,why not?

as long as you aint a nutter we should be able to have one.

thats the problem with firearm holders,shotgun users say rifles are bad...some firearm owner dont agree with hunting with hounds on horseback

we dont need to throw each other  under the bus


Apart from target shooting Ted what other reason would there be to have an handgun? Over here anyway. I have shot for more years than I can remember and I have never thought it was a good idea for pistols to be kept anywhere else except the range. Why would we in the uk need a pistol at home? unlike the states we can cannot defend ourseleves or property with hand guns, so no need for them to be kept at home or to be carried around.




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  On 15/02/2018 at 18:50, DanielG said:

what if your hobby is pistol shooting ?

how would you like it if your type of sport was banned 

the reason they dont want us to have guns is because they want the power and control

if it was about our safety muslims would be banned


Lol cannot avoid them Muslims they pop up in every topic lol

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  On 15/02/2018 at 18:51, delswal said:

Apart from target shooting Ted what other reason would there be to have an handgun? Over here anyway. I have shot for more years than I can remember and I have never thought it was a good idea for pistols to be kept anywhere else except the range. Why would we in the uk need a pistol at home? unlike the states we can cannot defend ourseleves or property with hand guns, so no need for them to be kept at home or to be carried around.





target shooting,thats all.why not?

there is people in the UK with 50cal rifles,why would anyone want one of those as you cant hunt with one.i am playing devils advocate with you.

here in canada you cant hunt with pistols, only use is shooting holes in paper at a range.


as for storing a handgun at home,why not? its your property.i wouldnt like to see a central storage of any type of firearm,magnet for criminals


cheers pal


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  On 15/02/2018 at 12:12, sandymere said:

All the best states over on the right. Wyoming probably my favourite, Alaska, Idaho, Montana. I can show you similar data that would conclude the opposite. So much for your 'conclusion.

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Go on, someone mention the Australia case study and how it proves gun bans work...

Nobody mention actions and reform that would be deemed 'pro gun' designed to address these problems though. That's uncomfortable to talk about, no cherry picked data to oppose those lateral thinking remedial actions.

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  On 15/02/2018 at 15:02, sandymere said:

6 camels ain't the same as 6 donkeys..:thumbs:


Actually, you are to blame........the society that folk of your political persuasion have fostered and encouraged, the barriers you broke down are directly responsible for those kids deaths imho;)

The United States has always had guns and yet school kids were not wasting each other en masse in the 50s.......same as kids were not stabbing each other in London to the tune of eighty deaths a year in that era.

In a world where every taboo is now a human right, where rappers who celebrate death, rape and robbery are made millionaires and looked upto as some kind of social commentator to be revered and respected, where drugs are no longer disgusting they are “an affliction” with the users to be shown pity, where buggery of minors is legalised and celebrated........what the f**k do any of us expect our young folk to behave like?

Where are their boundaries ?.........where are their examples?

Where all you have to aspire to, nay demand a right to, is to be Puff Daddy and have the latest phone.......when the university degree is completely meaningless because “everyone deserves to go to uni”........

What the f**k?........ban guns?........look out the f***ing window more like ! 

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  On 15/02/2018 at 21:30, paul sr said:

i lived in the states for years. in the late eighties and early nineties there was an average of 2500 homicides a year in the 5 boroughs of nyc. americia is a violent society


And I beleive is now one of the lowest due in no small part to that zero tolerance policy of that mayor who’s name I don’t remember? 

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