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Preserved In Amber

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A piece of amber dating back to the mid-Cretacious period has been discovered containing and previously unknown species of arachnid.

The spider with a tail has excited the scientific community because it now fills a gap between an older species which lacked spinnerets and the modern spider which lacks the tail. It's also opened speculation that there may be an as yet undiscovered species of spider with a tail as the specimen came from a remote area and it's also one that hasn't been studied thoroughly.

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  On 06/02/2018 at 10:25, TOMO said:

boring........come on chris.....i sore the title preserved in amber and imedatly thought dinosaur :D


If I'd gone with the title "100 Million-Year-Old Relation To The Modern Day Spider Found Preserved In Amber In Myanmar (Formerly Known As Burma) And Scientists Are Excited" everyone would have skipped to Boxing At The Weekend...

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  On 06/02/2018 at 13:17, kanny said:

This article caught my eye just the other day https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/02/dinosaurs-birds-trapped-amber-fossils-paleontology-science/


And this is my own amber find... Got a few mozzys in it 



nice kanny,, got some decent pieces  here..got it of me mate when he was beam trawling in holland.. they use to get quite a bit..his brother use to flog it to a women on the market..you can find it on the humber, near me..on the strandline/wrack..

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