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Here is the view from the other side.

The hut shot shows where I have been tramping through when shovelling out the mud, so it is a bit ground over and sloppier than it should be.

I am struggling to get these pictures to show the right way up. Maybe if I tip it upside down it will get the mud out.


Duck Huts.jpg

Bogless Bit.jpg

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Picked up some more chippings. This and the cold dry weather have made it much more pleasant for them. This is Errol in the foreground. I have done some swapping to combat interbreeding.  

Obligatory Snow Shot. Snow and ice firms the ground up nicely. Yes, wood chips will bring their own problems but at least there should be less mud. Now I have a local source, at least I can

Just two observations... 1, I can't believe anyone would keep poultry in those conditions. 2, I can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to post pics Of it.

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Wood chip will fix that. Keep layering it up as needed. When it builds up too high it can be wheelbarrowed out as compost and start again. Straw is a waste of time outside when it gets wet. It just creates more mud.

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In fairness to the OP, here in Australia we dont get too much rain, but when we do the yard looks just like that run, the ducks go hell for leather splashing, shoveling thru the soft dirt with their beaks and mushing up any patch of water, I dont get why they do it, its in their nature.

Two weeks later its all dried up and they are not in a party mood anymore. :drinks:

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Well, I think I'm gonna need a bigger truck!

The bottom end is done.  I haven't raked it all out yet, might just let the ducks do that.

Think I will go back for more and do as much as I can, though the trampled bit doesn't usually get too bad, it is just me to-ing and fro-ing through it with my trug of chippings that had churned it all up today.

Duck Run Chippings 008.JPG

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Obligatory Snow Shot. Snow and ice firms the ground up nicely.

Yes, wood chips will bring their own problems but at least there should be less mud.

Now I have a local source, at least I can keep adding.

Thank you for all the suggestions.  Though I am dying to see Brigzy's Duck Utopia. Come on mate, get those pictures up.

Obligatory Snow Shot 4.jpg

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Holy Duck shit, does it freeze before it hits the ground ?

Mine fry their little feet crossing concrete in 40- 45C days, do yours get frost bite ?

Always admire ducks they are a tough lot, and if everything was sterile and no corners to look into or places to get up and on, they would get bored real quick.

Same with Chickens too.

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We seem to be having a long and cold Winter this season. The snow went again quite quickly but the ground has been frozen at night.

There was a fox round last night but it didn't have any goes on the run. I put down some repellent just in case.

At least the frozen ground makes it harder for the fox to dig under, should it ever attempt to.


Ducks are very hardy and can stand on ice without the expressions we would have. Something to do with how their blood circulates.

I am having to smash the ice on the water containers every morning



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I always kept ducks as a kid. We were lucky though having a farm to turn them out on. Could keep em in a clean stable and just open the door in the morning. 

Just don't think I could deal with the mud and hassle of keeping them in pens. Hats off to you ?

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