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  On 03/02/2018 at 20:20, Dinosaurs said:

Just been to cinema with wife & kids. The adverts before film There was an ad for British Army which showed a group out on patrol when they all stop so a Muslim member of group can put his mat down & pray!! Then words come up on screen saying British Army respecting all religions  wtf is that about. Atb


What movie did you go to see? 

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I was watching Forces TV the other night (Starsky and Hutch !), and they ran several recruitment ads............

The other army ads show the comradeship that is forged, often under adversity. The Navy advert ("born in Carlisle, made in the Royal Navy") shows the commitment that recruits need. The RAF ad shows the wealth of career opportunities available to personnel. Most of the ads already have black and ethnic participants.

I dont see why the MOD paid (handsomely, I would imagine) for an advert aimed specifically at Muslims........to tell them that, if they join the army, they can still say their prayers - and everyone else will stop what they're doing to let them !

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so there in afghan major fire fight.  STOP          FIRING  !!  time for prayers  ..   FKIT  SARGE  I FORGOT MY RUG, I DONT WANT TO GET MY KIT DURTY  KNEELING ON THE GROUND .     GET ON WITH IT LAD!!,

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The sad thing is the kids / young adults are being indocurated (spelling) Islam is the religion off peace , where the reality is there laws / ways are slowly being introduced into our system while our laws / way off life is being ignored or classed as racist , Surrey police are having a day of zero tolerance concerning FGM , when people have commented on there lack off policing towards what is in this country GBH & how it's been / being ignored Surrey police are threatening those same people for Islamiphobia ? , the country is a mess & anyone standing up and questioning Government or Police will be targeted and accused off being racist ect ect but it's plain facts there addressing , but Waite until one off the elite is targeted we'll see how they react , the Ira was denounced by Governments & having an opinion wasn't class as irishophobia ? And I'm convinced it was because those in power where also not only targeted but killed , so when the religion of peace start hitting those in power / royalty then there attitudes might just might change !! 

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I'm still confused how your a racist when you question a religion? Muslims come in all races! But then I'm a racist in my kids eyes for calling a black board a black board.

I've never been racist in my life and take people as I find them whatever, I'm sick of now been labeled as been one for the slightest questioning of anything!

just because your offended doesn't mean your right.

back to subject, all adverts, books and media has to adopt a politically correct approach at race, so as to accept multiculturalism and not seem prejudice.

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I understand it's very 21st century to be "inclusive" and to "celebrate diversity" but no-one seems to be able to tell me WHY I have to pretend to like people I don't like. There's lots of people I don't like and telling me I should just makes me dislike them even more. I dare say there's lots of people who don't like me and do you know what? Good for them. it doesn't affect my life one little bit. Are these people so thin-skinned they give a f**k what others think of them?

Everyone is scared of being labelled racist, homophobic, transphobic etc. (I'm sure I'm missing a few here) so they don't say what they really think. Then because they keep quiet, the snowflakes assume that everyone loves everyone else. 

Well I don't and if that is offensive to these lefty types, hard cheese. 


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  On 06/02/2018 at 09:32, Blackbriar said:

I dont see why the MOD paid (handsomely, I would imagine) for an advert aimed specifically at Muslims........to tell them that, if they join the army, they can still say their prayers - and everyone else will stop what they're doing to let them !


It's a propaganda exercise aimed at potential homegrown radicals from what I can see. A costly one at that.

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