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I needed  a few marker pins so i looked in at the place i called home for the first  eleven years of my life, no running water , no bathroom  no electricity , and outside toilet , the picture with the upstairs fire was  me and my sisters bed room the down stairs fire was the living room and it a cooking range the other end  , the last picture was a well which was used daily in the garden were Pig  sties  Fowl pens and dog Kennels ,  i stood there a few minutes  and saw a lot of Ghosts and thought i could move back tomorrow.




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The  Orchard  is now a large Badger sett now the old Fellah would have turned in his grave if he saw that , he had lost the bottom of his leg  WW1 he used to climb the stairs  at night it made an awful noise and my sister used to tell me that it was Blind Mary  coming to get my eyes and that would start me wailing , if Mam heard she would come in and my sister would say i had been swearing ,  CRACK.


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  On 28/01/2018 at 19:46, bell said:

I think we are drawn back to places we have experienced ‘life’.......I am the same Micky....look back with fond memories but live for the now mate....


 I do live for now but i often wonder how  my  grand children  would have hacked it , i would love to shove the b*****ds out there for a month but saying that there was a POW who worked there  and i could not have hacked his .

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