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Keeping the freezer full

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58 minutes ago, Aussie Whip said:

Nice fish.I thought you can't eat shark over a certain size due to high mercury content,or is that just certain species.


Some Sharks are More Edible than Others

can you eat shark 2

Not all sharks make for good eating, but there are a few that top the tasty list according to anglers, including: Mako, Thresher, Sevengill, Soupfin, Leopard, Dogfish, Shovelnose, and Blacktip.

Mako tops the list of most popular edible sharks with a flavor comparable to swordfish.

Some anglers believe sharks in their middle years of life taste the best with older shark’s meat being tough and tight, and younger sharks having little meat to offer, although tender.

It’s important to note the FDA lists sharks as a species containing high levels of mercury. Although mercury in seafood isn't a concern for most adults, some precautions can apply for pregnant woman.

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