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first time out......


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I got a 50yard long net for christmas and me and my brother are going out with it today, had a quick go setting it yesterday in the garden and we think we know roughly know how to set it :clapper: might be doing it wrong but we dont know :laugh: . we will take some pictures and let you know how we get on. any constructive criticism is welcome 8)


cheers devvo :drink:

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we got 9 and not one in the net!!! had to dig for 7 and 2 bolted into purse nets. one rabbit went in the net but i could'nt get to it in time so it escaped :doh: does this mean we need more bagging in the net? heres some pics see what you think







we put 5 ferrets in this warren as it as massive!!!! it worked well bolting the rabbits, only thing is they kept going back in :cray::thumbdown: we manage to get 3










sorry theres no end of the day photo it was to dark to take a pic with my phone


cheers devvo :drink:

Edited by devvo
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not bad for ya first attempt though,


Id say, when putting a long net completely around the holes,


purse net every 5th hole inside, this helps if they start popping up and down within the circle, backnetting etc


get another net or two to divide the circle into halves or even quarters


your poles look rather high, net only needs to be around 20 inches or so from floor, this in turn will give you more bagg, and the net needs to be stretched between poles, no slack on top/bottom runners, but photo's dont show alot of bagging between poles either,


maybe fixed ya net out, and determine weather you have 25 or 50 or 100% bag on your net, then maybe tie it in to the top runner say every 6yds or so, if you keep ya poles evenly spaced (i go at 6yds) your bagging should be about right

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not bad for ya first attempt though,


Id say, when putting a long net completely around the holes,


purse net every 5th hole inside, this helps if they start popping up and down within the circle, backnetting etc


get another net or two to divide the circle into halves or even quarters


your poles look rather high, net only needs to be around 20 inches or so from floor, this in turn will give you more bagg, and the net needs to be stretched between poles, no slack on top/bottom runners, but photo's dont show alot of bagging between poles either,


maybe fixed ya net out, and determine weather you have 25 or 50 or 100% bag on your net, then maybe tie it in to the top runner say every 6yds or so, if you keep ya poles evenly spaced (i go at 6yds) your bagging should be about right


I would agree with Stubby,but,one other thing ....when you are putting the ferts in are you putting them in at one end or are you dropping them randomly around the bury??? Because if you put them in at one end then they should be driven away from that direction towards the other end,resulting in more trying to flee the bury for the surrounding countryside.IMO.................martin......good luck

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not bad for ya first attempt though,


Id say, when putting a long net completely around the holes,


purse net every 5th hole inside, this helps if they start popping up and down within the circle, backnetting etc


get another net or two to divide the circle into halves or even quarters


your poles look rather high, net only needs to be around 20 inches or so from floor, this in turn will give you more bagg, and the net needs to be stretched between poles, no slack on top/bottom runners, but photo's dont show alot of bagging between poles either,


maybe fixed ya net out, and determine weather you have 25 or 50 or 100% bag on your net, then maybe tie it in to the top runner say every 6yds or so, if you keep ya poles evenly spaced (i go at 6yds) your bagging should be about right



Thanks mate, il try shortning the poles and purse netting every 5th hole :thumbs:

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your net is set way to high and it has no belly in it and also from the pics it looks as though you have no running kill in it, stretched it to tight length ways.

it might just be the pics but shorten the net if theres no running kill in it and deffo drop the hight .

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your net is set way to high and it has no belly in it and also from the pics it looks as though you have no running kill in it, stretched it to tight length ways.

it might just be the pics but shorten the net if theres no running kill in it and deffo drop the hight .


Your right there is no way you are going to catch rabbit with the net at hip height. Needs to be set at knee sort of height


Regards Roger


If there is 4 or five guys on site i wonder now much noise you are making. Maybe the reason you have had to dig.

Edited by R_Oldroyd
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your net is set way to high and it has no belly in it and also from the pics it looks as though you have no running kill in it, stretched it to tight length ways.

it might just be the pics but shorten the net if theres no running kill in it and deffo drop the hight .


Your right there is no way you are going to catch rabbit with the net at hip height. Needs to be set at knee sort of height


Regards Roger


If there is 4 or five guys on site i wonder now much noise you are making. Maybe the reason you have had to dig.

one the net is certainly too high dont forget how high a rabbit is,also it looked like in some places the nets were to close to the rabbit buries ,take the long nets away from the buries at least twenty yards that way the fleeing rabbit is at its fastest when it hits your net.the whole purpose of the net system is it needs to be put out at the most silent you can and away from the buries if they cannot hear you they will certainly bolt quicker.ps at least you have had a go better luck next time/////

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as to the above post;


the rabbit is at its fastest, with a ferret up its arse, 20yds away from a burrow is a bit optomistic, the guys only got one net, as long as the bag is there its fine, having a 20yd gap means the rabbit can change his mind, and therefore direction, burrows close to the net can always be pursed if felt needed

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cheers for the replys :thumbs: can i just say we have been ferreting a couple of years and realise that you have to be quiet 8)



devvo :drink:

sorry mate but i do catch a lot of bunnies by setting the nets away from the buries,but every rabbit controller has their way of control,we have lurchers ready for any escapee, no offense mate///try your way and hopefully try a different way next time and see which one works for you.

Edited by ferret
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no offense taken my friend :) ive taken every bit of advice from the replys i have got and i can certainly say i will be doing things different next time!!!! :victory: it makes sense to move the net away from the holes :D i can only put it down to inexperience :doh: it will be next week before we go out again so il put all your advice into practice :thumbs: thanks again for your replys




devvo :drink:

Edited by devvo
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