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So when you zeroed the rifle, you would have dialled in windage adjustments to compensate for the lateral deviation of the pellet. Unfortunately, that will be the only point on the pellet’s trajectory

I don't see how you can possibly put it down to 'wear and tear', it's a scope for feck sake, not a set of tyres or brake pads, it either works or its buggered,    my shooting buddy had had a

bn uses a hw100.. ive heard of people stripping the grease out cos if theres to much it loses power on cold/freezing days! theres a thing on youtube about it sure it was only about 1/2ftlb might

  On 20/01/2018 at 12:11, smithie said:

try  some silicone spray on the rubber ring that goes around the mag as they dry out. 

no need to piss it through and dont use wd40 it rots rubber



I do that every few month now mate, i think it was mark williams who mentiond it a few month back and ive done it since,  cheers anyway pal

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  On 19/01/2018 at 22:28, Rabid said:


I don't see how you can possibly put it down to 'wear and tear', it's a scope for feck sake, not a set of tyres or brake pads, it either works or its buggered, 



Goods do not have to be used often to end up Kaput from wear and tear,  that will apply to any internal part of an Air Rife, Rifle Scope or any other Goods.  If this was not the case then new goods would not be sent back as faulty suffering from inferior material used.  Wear and Tear.

Just my opinion

All the very best

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  On 20/01/2018 at 14:56, just-A-snap said:

Goods do not have to be used often to end up Kaput from wear and tear,  that will apply to any internal part of an Air Rife, Rifle Scope or any other Goods.  If this was not the case then new goods would not be sent back as faulty suffering from inferior material used.  Wear and Tear.

Just my opinion

All the very best


See that's where I don't agree,  'wear and tear' implies it's been used and has wear to the point it does not function properly, i.e., worn out, a bit like me.

If something is returned as faulty, suffering inferior material, then I would class that as faulty, not wear and tear.


Agreed they don't have to be used often for wear and tear, but it needs to be used enough to be considerd 'fair' wear and tear, otherwise it's classed as unfit for purpose.


My point been, how can you say a scope is worn out ? Brake pads-yes, tyres-yes, a garden fork- yes, how does a scope wear out, surely they work, or are broken, possibly broken from inferior materials, possibly through abuse, nonetheless broken, not wear and tear.

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Im with you rabid. 

Wear and tear only on adjustable turrets or dropping it or getting it Pi#@ wet through every day etc.

Faulty would be faulty from day one .......ish....so that's why I'm leaning more to do with rifle and set up?

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My shooting buddy had a similar problem with a Hawke Vantage - he would rezero it, then shoot fine all day/night. The next time out it would be off left or right again.


It turned out that he would lay the rifle on the bed in his spare room when it wasn't being used and, because something was loose/fecked in the scope, gravity would make the vertical part of the crosshair move.


I found it by zeroing his scope then, holding the rifle tilted, giving it a few good shakes, then shooting at a target again.

There was no reason for it going tits up, it hadn't been abused, it just went wrong after working perfectly for a couple of months.


It might be worth trying BN.


Give me a shout if you need a scope to keep you out shooting mate :thumbs:



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Cheers for the offer jon, i can get one if i need it off a mate i go shooting with now and then, il be trying all the possible problems that all the lads have mentiond first before i take the scope off, hopefully it wont be the scope as i like it.

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  On 19/01/2018 at 22:09, big napper said:

I guess it must be fu**ed so i better sort out a new scope, its just buggy as i know it hasnt been dropped or banged so it must be age or ware and tear as said by JAS.


I bought a Hawke scope about 6 years ago. Had it on my s410. As I went to go out the conservatory I smacked the barrel big time into the door. The scope was shooting to the left at close range and to the right at further ranges. I rang Hawke and told them what had happened. They said send it back and they'll look at it. Can't remember if they fixed it or sent a new one but the one I got back was fine and there was no charge. Give them a call and explain what your problem is, they might be able to fix it for cheaper than buying a new scope.

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