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Reloading Assistance

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I've recently moved from a .243 to a .308 Win, and intend reloading for this calibre. I've had great advice from here before for my .243 and would like to ask for the same for my .308.

I'm using H414 powder, and 180g Sierra soft points, and the max load is 49g in the Lee reloading book. However, as you can see from the attached, screen grab of Quickload, the amount of powder burn is only 95%. 50g takes the pressure into the red, but there's not a great deal of increase in powder burn. Balistic efficiency is almost 30% though.

Anyone got suggestions or recommendations please?








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Are you intent on using the same powder for both rifles ?

I have used N140 in 22.250 and 308 so find a powder that runs in both calibre for piece of mind when looking for supplies .

Depending on barrel length and twist the 180 would be a big lump to fire . It's fine in a bigger calibre and a faster twist barrel . (twice the amount of powder ) you would struggle for velocity in a standard  twist and a shorter barrel .

I wouldn't be bothered with Quickload as it's a indication , for the most 308 loads it would be 46gr + or - with a 150gr bullet for the barrel twist and length , the starting load would be reduced from max recommended by 10 % and work up in 1/2 grains till you find the velocity and grouping , load to recommended oal then they fit in the mag .

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Hello LS

Firstly I assume your input into Quickload is right ie 20" barrel and that you have an American rifle (308 win SAAMI) and not a European Rifle (308 win CIP)

I would not be too concerned about a 95.06% burn rate. What would concern me is your use of powder H414. I am sure you are aware from this June 90%+ of American powder will not be available for sale in the UK. as REACH has deemed them hazardous- this includes powders made by Hodgson and IMR. However European powders are deemed REACH compliant, so powders like Lovex, Reloader Swiss, Alliant Reloader and of course Vihtavuori are all OK.

If you have Quickload available, can I suggest you feed into it 43gr of N140 and see the results. Usual caveat start low with powder when load developing.


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Thanks folks,  and hello DH again.

It's a new Browning X bolt, and guess it's CIM, i'll need to change that. And yes it's 20" barrel. 

I used H414, as I've got 1 1/2 tubs of it & would liked to have used it? Understand the legislation, but the tubs could have lasted me for quite a bit! However, if N140 is a better bet for .308 I'll feed it into Quickload.

If the N140 is better, or recommended, I guess I could use up the H414 with my .243, which is flying (thanks DH).

Could I ask where N140 recommendation is from? 

Incidentally,  the 180g bullet is for red deer. I've a few monster stags in my shoot, and a keeper friend uses .308 with 180's, and it was very impressive.

Outback; I'd prefer to use same powder, but not essential.



Edited by Lamp_Shy
PS: OAL is measured after I've chambered a blank round, measured with a vernier, then backed off by 0. 005". This is around 0. 020" longer than recommended minimum OAL
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There are lots of powders that cover different calibre's , the powders have different burn rates so one for your 243 with a certain bullet weight would work with the 308 with a certain weight , N140 works well with the 22.250 with 55 gr and 150 plus weight with 308 so easier to find one powder . Also as mentioned we will lose a lot good powders this year so a lot of folk will be load developing me included luckly when there have been shortages I have developed other loads . 

The 180 gr is a good bullet with a 10 twist barrel there for in a slower twist would be slower and slower again in a shorter barrel by all means load them up and see how they group and what velocity you can get , Check out with your keeper mate his powder choice and oal of his rounds and do they fit in the mag or single feed but DONT use his rounds in your rifle .

Keep us posted what you find out .


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Thanks, the barrel is actually 22" & 1:12 twist with an Atec sound moderator.

Understand the logic of using n140 or similar, but was going to try and use up the H414. If I needed to readjust when I need to get a compliant powder, than I'm not too bothered. I did intend starting low down and build it up after testing. 

I've loaded hundreds of .243, however you get too used to that calibres characteristics, hence my caution.  I'm a few weeks away from trialling, still waitng on the scope and QR Mounts to arrive,

Is H414 completely discounted? It's quoted for this calibre in the reloading books. I'll check out the stats for n140 though.

My keeper mate uses factory loads.



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Cool , have a read of this What .308 powder alternative?  and this http://www.vihtavuori.com/en/reloading-data/rifle-reloading/-308-winchester.html

speak to your mate ask if he single loads or mag and measure a round oal the 180 is a long bullet looking at your QL its 31.14 mm to start with .

In one of my old books H414 max load is 47.1 @ 2500 with 22" 1 in 12 .


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What is the difference in SAMMI &CIP for 308?


H414 in most cases needs a magnum primer.

308 works best with medium speed rifle powders like h4895. There may be a trade off with the slower h414.

414 use to be the ball equivalent of h4350 but it was never as forgiving as h4350 . 

Quite slow powders for 308.



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And with 43g of N140. Looks like a more efficient burn DH?

At 49g of H414, which is much more than I'd  start with, it's pushing the 180g bullet at 2660 fps, which is a bit more than 43g of N140. 





Edited by Lamp_Shy
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LS yes to get the same PSI as N140 you need to overfill your case by 5% with H414. That 5% is of course if you plan to seat at SAAMI spec of 2.800" as your QL picture shows. The difference in speed of 100 fps - you would not be able to tap your finger twice on the desk quick enough to separate the time of arrival at even 200 yds so best not to compare speed!!

At the end of the day it is not speed that kills but accuracy.

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