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Punching Paper after dark

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Got that shooting itch we all know so well, whilst at work today. Well actually, I went to work with it and had nothing but shooting on my mind all day. 

Unfortunately for me, my shifts mean that at this time of year I don't finish in daylight unless I'm finishing a night shift... But I could not let this itch go unscratched, so with a bit of effort, a torch ducktaped to a camera tripod, and some shoot and see's I managed to get half an hour paper punching in the garden when I got in from work. Despite it being dark and shooting by torch light I managed to shoot fairly well even over the short distance of 20 yards... but hey! You work with what you have don't you! 


it's a bit inconvenient shooting in the dark but that is just one of them sacrifices we have to make... bring on the longer days! 



Edited by Mark_mjs93
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10 minutes ago, Jonjon79 said:

It works mate. I sometimes set up a target in the back of the shed with a torch pointing at it, and shoot from the kitchen :thumbs:


I agree - roll on the longer, warmer days :yes:

.......... I've had enough of the cold and dark now.

exactly! You make do with what you got haha. I don't mind the cold but the shorter days can be a bit of a pain in the backside especially with shifts haha you forget what the sun looks like for a while haha. Start in the dark, finish in the Dark, don't see the sun for like 4 days haha. 

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Cheers Matt, Been trying to get the groups in a bit tighter so was dead chuffed with that result. Rabid got me on the sovereigns and sorted me out a couple to try in the gun and i'm dead chuffed with the result. 

Jimmy, Cheers fella, They really are! I only brought them a week or so ago and I love them. I wear glasses/contact lenses so It definitely helps with getting your groups tightened up and getting things on target. Until you shoot with a pellet thats way off the mark and it misses the target completely and you're left in a bit of a "well I have no fricken idea where that one ended up" kind of situation. :rofl:

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You just reminded me that I have not done any paper punching this winter with the NiteSite fitted. Unlike you guys, I quite enjoy the cold dark nights for the ratting and bunny hunting but confess that I don't really feel the cold so much unlike my shooting pal who was frozen on Sunday night when we went ratting............whimp.



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