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H&M are in the s**t

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So the kids parents (who would have had to have been at the shoot) didn’t have an issue and the kid didn’t have an issue.......where is the issue?

Monkeys don’t wear hoodies (in the jungle anyway) 


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the clothing firm H&M are in the shit after running this advert ......    

I feel a big claim coming from the Milky Bar Kid ! 

Imagine if the advertising people has told the black kid's parents he couldn't wear that on the shoot.  There would be all sorts screaming racist. As someone else said, damned if you do, damned if you

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The issue is the lefties feel apologetic for him indirectly being labelled a monkey in their eyes,he and his parents were happy to get the modelling cash,the lefties will probably fight for discrimination payment for him,the other,Disney are making a movie Aladdin at the moment in the UK,they couldn't hire enough ethnic background actors so "blacked-up" some whiteys,lefties are apoplectic with rage about it,some people eh :laugh:

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Imagine if the advertising people has told the black kid's parents he couldn't wear that on the shoot.  There would be all sorts screaming racist. As someone else said, damned if you do, damned if you don't.  

The parents were quite happy to let him model it for a few quid and a 'nana. That should be the end of it. 

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  On 10/01/2018 at 17:26, Lenmcharristar said:

yes they defo do,   he will be on the me too bandwagon next ffs.  god help uk and ire if we ever get into another world war


Your better off ignoring him over these kind of issues, he knows a lot about reptiles as they are sneaky slimy animals similar to him self but now you have responded he will open a can of left wing shit on your ass, be warned 

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