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Looking for permission

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I would advise getting some insurance from basc or other reputable company and get knocking on doors pal. There's no substitute for rocking up in person, sell yourself, offer to help with the control of vermin for the owner obviously for free. Let them know you will look after the land , ie fences etc and report anything that need repair and top that off with proof that your insured and give them first refusal on any quarry that you shoot and you will probably get a good number of takers?

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Dont turn up with cammo on /rifle in the car ready to go.Do dress reasonable not a suit but think like a farmer check shirt /moleskins /clean jeans/trousers.Be polite if they say no ask if theyd like your phone number just in case of a 1 off <the fields blue with pigeons come asap is an old favorite >.

Close all gates ,dont turn up at dinner/tea time and as Matt said get some insurance it shows your serious, and remember Lambing and harvest time they are as busy as a prostitute when the fleets in so offer to help at weekends or when u can and you,l earn brownie points.

Go to your local gunshop/clay shoot and ask if anyone needs beaters on their Pheasant shoots a few days in the mud and rain can pay dividends .The rats/squirrels /foxes that plague shoots need someone to control them !!Dont get downhearted there,s 5 shooters/wannabe,s for every perm atb

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  On 05/01/2018 at 23:03, villaman said:

Look at  golf courses , garden centres ,  church/graveyards ,sport fields , horse paddocks /stables ,  allotments , veg growers and fishing lakes  just a few to try 


Garden centers... like it. Out side the box there v'man. I wouldn't of thought of that route but can see the reason why.

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It's not easy to get those permissions, I started off with a dozen or so letters late  last year with self addressed stamped envelopes to send back to me with a yes or no, had one reply so far which unfortunately was a no, so I,ll get a few more done this coming week or so, but it might be a case of knocking on doors.... Fingers crossed..... 

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i got most of my x15 shoots from a simple advert in my local church parish magazine,

offering  free pest control with a list of pests controlled , i do not to have to go knocking on doors. they ring me up and ask for help, x3 new permissions since the 1st of Jan shows the advert still works!!!!!

atb brian

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