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Jeff Burrell - disgusting (allegedly)

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To be a dealer in dogs, you need to have a certain mindset... I remember a commercial breeder once telling me,.."You would never be any good at it, Phil,..you ask the buyer, too many questions"

Fella is still talking to Jeff on the phone 

Bosun,.. You are not alone in taking a fancy towards that old style lurcher type..?. Back in the day, I had a useful lurcher bitch, name of Mercedes... I had some great times, both day and n

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  On 26/08/2021 at 22:50, All-terrain said:

Was it a young black one ? I offered to mind one for him while he went to work in Hong Kong the dogs still here I think about 4-5 years later,haha been a great dog if its the same one, he’s a reverse 3/8 5/8, the posh dog he’s called. paddy’s doing ok looks like he’s been having a great time over there, c**ts just out partying all the time, that age isn’t he,haha one my mates has his other dog judd he’s been a cracker aswell, A-t



That's him a t and that's a belting stamp of dog is Judd a bull x deer hound fair play to the lad I hope he's partying hard out there and enjoying himself 

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I've known Jeff for yrs and yes he can talk some rubbish but so do a lot of others who put him down !!! 

He's stuck with the type he keeps for yrs and I've seen some belting looking animals He's bred or bred from his type and they do work and work well given the right owner .

Those who say he peddles dogs just look at bedy whippets or whippets going for anything up to 2500 .and bred by so called working dog men and by some who come on here ? 

Anyone who as spoken to him will see He's a bit of an eccentric old chap who likes to talk and some of what he says is woffle but that don't make him a bad person as he's far from it .

As for those saying his house ,yard stinks .how many of yous been to his yard ?  I no he had a mate who would take his dogs out and keep the yard tidy as Jeff and his wife are pensioners and as for the boards on windows at back of the house he put them up as they was robbed several times by local scum bags and this is why he boarded windows up .and inside its cluttered but its his home and they live the way they want to so why should that bother anyone else ? 

His dogs always look healthy and fit when I see them and that's all that matters ,

Those who buy pups do so because they like the type they seeing not on what his house looks or smells like .

Don't judge a person so easy .

Hope you all have nice weekend 


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  On 28/08/2021 at 12:13, Moocher71 said:

I've known Jeff for yrs and yes he can talk some rubbish but so do a lot of others who put him down !!! 

He's stuck with the type he keeps for yrs and I've seen some belting looking animals He's bred or bred from his type and they do work and work well given the right owner .

Those who say he peddles dogs just look at bedy whippets or whippets going for anything up to 2500 .and bred by so called working dog men and by some who come on here ? 

Anyone who as spoken to him will see He's a bit of an eccentric old chap who likes to talk and some of what he says is woffle but that don't make him a bad person as he's far from it .

As for those saying his house ,yard stinks .how many of yous been to his yard ?  I no he had a mate who would take his dogs out and keep the yard tidy as Jeff and his wife are pensioners and as for the boards on windows at back of the house he put them up as they was robbed several times by local scum bags and this is why he boarded windows up .and inside its cluttered but its his home and they live the way they want to so why should that bother anyone else ? 

His dogs always look healthy and fit when I see them and that's all that matters ,

Those who buy pups do so because they like the type they seeing not on what his house looks or smells like .

Don't judge a person so easy .

Hope you all have nice weekend 



Spot on mate. Ive been to Jeffs, hes f***ing insane, but thats his business. Too many lifters of phones nowadays grassing on people. Leave the man alone. I did?

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  On 26/08/2021 at 12:11, fenny said:

I went and bought a pup a few days ago. I've been looking for a certain 'type' of lurcher for some weeks. I'm perfectly happy with him even if I did have to bath him as soon as I got him home. Yes the yard and kennels stunk to high heavens, yes he gave me a false address, yes the house windows had been boarded up, yes, he lied about his phone number. Yes he liked to talk, but so do I. Yes he spun me patter but frankly I just disregarded most of it as I work on the principle that my old Dad taught me which is "if someone wants your money, disregard anything they tell you about the thing they want you to buy". The dam was with the pups. 
The pup I have is healthy and lively and learns *fast*. Within 24 hours, he knows 'sit', 'down' and 'paw'.  
Frankly I don't care how the man lives if he treats his animals well.
I must admit that as an ex breeder, I'd be a bit concerned if I still had 5 pups left at over 9 weeks old, but that's not my business.
Unless you know the man, have met the man or been to his property then it's not fair to slag him off.
In the end I  paid £500 for him, which was more than I wanted to pay for a pup, but since it was the only litter of the type I was looking for within a 50 miles radius of me so I was happy. Now the dog might be sneered at by some, he will never be hunted, but if he does what *I* want him to do, then I'm happy.


I really don't get why you posted this ,you say his house stinks ,yard stinks ,dogs in a mess yet you buy a pup ? 

You say pup needed a shower ,is it the case you washed the pup as its going to be in your ever so clean house ?, and you don't want smell of a kennel bred pup on your nice clean furnishings? 

You need give yourself a shake ,you putting a man down and yet you still buy a pup ? 

Instead of posting on here after you got pup ,why didn't you tell Jeff to his face your thoughts before paying for your pup .

Two faced I call it .

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  On 05/01/2018 at 13:46, northamptonman said:

Does anybody know him? A friend of mine went to look at some pups of this man's recently. She said the conditions his dogs were kept in is pure filth and cruelty. Sh*t all over the house, literally everywhere, multiple dogs in crates, she said you could smell the property on approach, from at least 10-15 metres - and the man himself smelled equally disgusting. House windows boarded up, assuming in an attempt to stop people seeing the conditions inside. 30+ animals in a little tiny council house, and that was all she'd seen, there were possibly more. She met him in Wellingborough and he took her back there (somewhere in Wellingborough)- assuming to avoid her having an exact address of his? I'm not sure why, just speculating.

If anybody could help with his exact address, we'd be very grateful. She'd driven up from Kent and couldn't get his exact address as he escorted her to and from her car, in a small council area that was a little bit like a maze. He made her feel very uneasy and she didn't want to wander back on her own to find out some road names and house numbers.

She's absolutely astonished that nobody has done anything about him already, it sounds like he's been breeding and selling dogs for years.

This is the only website that seemed to throw up information about him....

Thanks for taking the time to read.


Whats any of it got to do with her or you you grassing b*****ds

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  On 28/08/2021 at 12:13, Moocher71 said:

I've known Jeff for yrs and yes he can talk some rubbish but so do a lot of others who put him down !!! 

He's stuck with the type he keeps for yrs and I've seen some belting looking animals He's bred or bred from his type and they do work and work well given the right owner .

Those who say he peddles dogs just look at bedy whippets or whippets going for anything up to 2500 .and bred by so called working dog men and by some who come on here ? 

Anyone who as spoken to him will see He's a bit of an eccentric old chap who likes to talk and some of what he says is woffle but that don't make him a bad person as he's far from it .

As for those saying his house ,yard stinks .how many of yous been to his yard ?  I no he had a mate who would take his dogs out and keep the yard tidy as Jeff and his wife are pensioners and as for the boards on windows at back of the house he put them up as they was robbed several times by local scum bags and this is why he boarded windows up .and inside its cluttered but its his home and they live the way they want to so why should that bother anyone else ? 

His dogs always look healthy and fit when I see them and that's all that matters ,

Those who buy pups do so because they like the type they seeing not on what his house looks or smells like .

Don't judge a person so easy .

Hope you all have nice weekend 



Mate o mine best dog he ever had were a grew over 1 them tumblers ,but I couldn't get past the fact the breeder he'd med love 2 whin 

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  On 28/08/2021 at 13:38, Black neck said:

Mate o mine best dog he ever had were a grew over 1 them tumblers ,but I couldn't get past the fact the breeder he'd med love 2 whin 


I can not put his dogs down as one's I seen have been cracking looking juckels and I see few work that I'd be happy to own ,to many back stabbers around today but lurcher world always been that way but lot worse now with key board no it alls ,

I say to those that put others down ,don't tell the world but tell those you chating rubbish about. 

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  On 28/08/2021 at 13:57, Moocher71 said:

I can not put his dogs down as one's I seen have been cracking looking juckels and I see few work that I'd be happy to own ,to many back stabbers around today but lurcher world always been that way but lot worse now with key board no it alls ,

I say to those that put others down ,don't tell the world but tell those you chating rubbish about. 


Yeah but ya can't go about telling folk what u mek of um in the flesh ,the might clip u a c**t ,far better 2 upset folk via the Internet then nail the attic lid down when the come after you 

That's what I do 

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