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Harris hawk


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Oreet lads been reading up on falconry and harris hawkes for quite some time about manning n getting the bird to fly to fist bating and so on i havnt done any courses or anything but ime confident i can man and train a bird i have alot of time to devote to the bird and ready and willing to put in the effort ime planning on biulding a avery on the front of a 6 x 4 ft shed so the avery would be 16ft long 4ft wide n about 6 ft high would this be enuff aswell as being flown daily on line and freely once trained will be looking for a male harris hawk in the coming weeks if anyone knows of any atb for new year lads john

Edited by Scafflad1
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I see thanks for the advice think thats what ime going to do i have all mews and avery ready was going to buy the ben long starter kit at weekend but read a few threads and its apperently some stuff you dont need and would never use so could someone give me the essentials that is needed and stuff to stock up on thank again john

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I would get some telemetry as well mate.

There are too many Harris' lost because they don't use it.

There are usually a few second hand sets going mate. I think there is a few sites on Facebook where they sell them.

Get a set and practise tracking with it before getting the hawk.

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Also is there anyone around the wigan area that i could get out with for abit of hands on exsperience do alot of ferreting but never with hawks or hunted anything with hawks love to see it done while am waiting to get my bird look fascanating atb john

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  On 02/01/2018 at 11:34, Scafflad1 said:

I see thanks for the advice think thats what ime going to do i have all mews and avery ready was going to buy the ben long starter kit at weekend but read a few threads and its apperently some stuff you dont need and would never use so could someone give me the essentials that is needed and stuff to stock up on thank again john


Hi John probably best getting set up first and get a Harris in summer around 18 week old parent reared in the meantime some of the stuff u will need ,travel box ,preferably plastic ,glove,vest or bag whichever u prefer ,creance ,swivels,leash,dummy bunny or lure , freezer for its food, weighing scales I use balance scales I find them more accurate,telemetry Marshall’s is a good choice hope this helps atb George 

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  On 02/01/2018 at 19:02, Scafflad1 said:

Also is there anyone around the wigan area that i could get out with for abit of hands on exsperience do alot of ferreting but never with hawks or hunted anything with hawks love to see it done while am waiting to get my bird look fascanating atb john


Why not have a look at a local Falconry Club. 

You could go out and see it done also it may get you a few contacts that could help you later on.

I know there is a Yorkshire Hawking Club and I'm sure there will be one in your area.

I would read as many books as I could on Falconry mate.

Try Emma Fords book and also Philip Glasiers to begin with.

It will make it easier for both you and the hawk if you can get someone local to you that is experienced and could help you.

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