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Anyone suffer with this?

Having a bad couple of weeks at the moment and it’s driving me crazy. Not a fan of taking too many painkillers, even the Weston’s vintage and 2 cocodamol ain’t helping me sleep. Lol


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As above, keep moving. I suffer with my back terribly. Not a great deal that helps(except a lot of alchohol :)). At times i have it from my shoulders to my toes, in my experience carrying on as normal will improve it quickest, resting just helps it remain

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When it is playing up I find I’m better in the day when keeping busy but as soon as I try to relax in the evening I’m walking round like I’ve shit myself.

I do few back exercises and stretches but nothing is working at the moment. Just having a moan really! Lol

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I've been necking painkillers since Christmas eve.Normally I just ache of an evening and when I first get up but since having a few days off I've been in real pain.Part and parcel of doing groundwork,bricklaying and roofing since I was 15 I suppose.At 42 I havnt got a clue how the reckon I'm gunna work till I'm 70 the way I feel I reckon all I'll be good for is sitting behind a till in Tescos within the next 5 or 10 yrs

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I suffer from it on a regular basis and have a repeat prescription for solpadol .I have done all the exercise routines though I have found walking eases it the best my mate from Ireland who suffers with it swears on potin I said what by drinking it he reckons by rubbing it on the area the pain is coming from.

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  On 29/12/2017 at 09:30, downsouth said:

I've been necking painkillers since Christmas eve.Normally I just ache of an evening and when I first get up but since having a few days off I've been in real pain.Part and parcel of doing groundwork,bricklaying and roofing since I was 15 I suppose.At 42 I havnt got a clue how the reckon I'm gunna work till I'm 70 the way I feel I reckon all I'll be good for is sitting behind a till in Tescos within the next 5 or 10 yrs


Im the same,on building works when you should of been in school.used to dig by hand like a wildman,got a excavator now. refuse to hand dig it kills me now.i had to go to a chiroprator as was in agony,walked in like a crab,i could,nt of p icked up a 50 bar note off the floor i was that bad.came out of that place feeling brand f.....g new.unbelievable.its in kent if you need help...?

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Foam roller? 

I pulled my back out exercising a couple of years ago, 

did back at the gym , high weight low reps on deadlift and upright row. Next morning ran 8 miles , then drove the 330 miles home . 

Woke up with a fuzzy left leg as if It was dead , tingling pins and needles . Spent all weekend hobbling around attempting to click it back in .my mate drove us back down on the Sunday and Monday morning saw me having to physically lift the leg when climbing out bed , stepping up kerbs etc . 

Mri scans showed I’d slipped a disc and pushed a nerve sleeve up. 


Unable to run, barely sleeping, painkillerd up . 

Nothing worked except the foam roller and physiotherapist sessions  bought one and found some exercises online , now I still don’t ever get a full nights sleep and a soft mattress kills me whenever I go away . 

Oftem end up sleeping in the floor in the room with blankets etc over me rather than a bed

One thing I have learned is that doctors are terrified of backs , try the physiotherapist, they may see an issue the docs have missed 

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  On 29/12/2017 at 09:50, Qbgrey said:

Im the same,on building works when you should of been in school.used to dig by hand like a wildman,got a excavator now. refuse to hand dig it kills me now.i had to go to a chiroprator as was in agony,walked in like a crab,i could,nt of p icked up a 50 bar note off the floor i was that bad.came out of that place feeling brand f.....g new.unbelievable.its in kent if you need help...?


I sub contact to southern Gas now and all the digging is hand dig if within 5mtrs of the high pressure main.Got 6 holes to do when we go back 3 meter cubed and we've got to carry all the steel shuttering and 8x3 across the farmers field to where we're digging.Where abouts in Kent mate as I'm in Kent and can't get an appointment both my back specialist untill the 10th

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  On 29/12/2017 at 10:10, downsouth said:

I sub contact to southern Gas now and all the digging is hand dig if within 5mtrs of the high pressure main.Got 6 holes to do when we go back 3 meter cubed and we've got to carry all the steel shuttering and 8x3 across the farmers field to where we're digging.Where abouts in Kent mate as I'm in Kent and can't get an appointment both my back specialist untill the 10th


bloody hell , that was how i  , 1st done my back in working west midland gas, this was in wolves 1978, digging trenches  most of the day, then back filling from main to house. in them days (no) little diggers etc, it was shovel, pick, jack hammer  to bust the tarmac, concrete , the rest was just  back breaking. had slipped disc , had 10 days off back to work, went again, so  was advised to get lighter   , not bending type work, ender up  in fooking brewery  lifting kegs /crates  all day  worked there for 25 years , but in that time had another 2 slipped disc . so all in all had 4 slipped   disc's  my last 2 discs are worn, left me with sciatica  and amm fooked really, take dogs out every day, keep as active as i can  , luckly  i dont put weight on stay  12st 10lb - 13st 3lb not bad for my age 65  and size 5ft  11 1/2 , funny thing is big gut  / over weight is the worst thing for lower back, and  cold weather  , best advice from a bloke who had bad  back long time keep on the move, and try and block out the pain, dont let the b*****d  thing beat you .:yes: 

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Seems all us old bxggers that did ground works,hand digging humping bison beams etc etc are knackered. Bet you were like me jeans and a short T shirt and the old boys used to say " you want to cover your back boy you get a bad back" wish i had listened. Retired now and went to help out a farmer who done his back the other day so what did I do, yea pulled my own back and it went down my leg after two days. Like other lads said though kept moving took pills for a two or three days, won't keep taking them as they can bxgger you up. Not to bad at the moment unless I'm bent over for sometime doing something. I found those heat packs you put in the micro wave placed in the small of the back helped a lot.

Cheers Arry

Edited by Arry
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Ive had it on and off, but thankfully never really bad. Just work on through it. But this winter seems to have made me a lot 'stiffer' anyway fortnight ago I got an electric blanket, immediately noticed a difference in general, guess my bones n joints are liking a bit of TLC.

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