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Decline of Rabbits

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Hi All, 

I'm in the process of writing up an article about a day spent with some Golden Eagles hunting hare and deer, but this got me thinking about rabbits and I've heard a few of my hawking friends mention a decrease in the rabbit population on land they have permission on and I was wondering if anyone else has noticed a similar issue in their neck of the woods?



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  On 19/12/2017 at 17:18, EDDIE B said:

VHD/RHD virus affecting rabbit populations in parts of the UK and Ireland. Some area's are totally decimated, with little sign of recovery.


Spot on Eddie. Unlike mixy it goes almost unnoticed. Knocked my specks into touch thats for sure and as you said, little sign (or chance i fear) of recovery.

This one has done for the humble bunny...

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The area i lived in used to be quite good for rabbits with regular teams of lads ferreting and that now i know hardly anyone who keeps ferrets. And thing is there bieng hit from all angles lamping with dogs and guns thermal and nitevision desease its not looking good for them but ive a feeling theyll make a recovery eventually.

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  On 19/12/2017 at 17:52, Bosun11 said:

Spot on Eddie. Unlike mixy it goes almost unnoticed. Knocked my specks into touch thats for sure and as you said, little sign (or chance i fear) of recovery.

This one has done for the humble bunny...


Yes, and what makes it worse, is that most people don't even know what's happening. It's only when the rabbits dissappear from their area, that they start to ask questions. 

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I hope so too mate, I have found a few dead ones in woodland that looked perfectly healthy, I assume that's vhd I was told it wipes out a warren in 48 hours killing a lot underground.

Was vhd a man made virus or just spread by man 

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Think we should all chip in £50 


if everymember on here chips in we should have enough hire a good hit man to kill the people who inventin these diseases/virus lol 

that way the next cleaver clogs will think twice lol ? 

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Thanks guys for your input :D 

I spent the day with three Golden Eagles hunting deer and Hare, was great to watch even though they didn't catch any deer. We walked some miles that day and they all mentioned that the grounds they have permission on are low on ground game 

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iv noticed the populations that seem to do especially well are the ones where say you have a field surrounded by woods with a warren on each side (large gene pool) as opposed to more isolated populations
if so that would imply it could sort itself out with time

but i havent really noticed a proper drop in numbers local to me

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  On 20/12/2017 at 06:54, Annabaxter said:

Thanks guys for your input :D 

I spent the day with three Golden Eagles hunting deer and Hare, was great to watch even though they didn't catch any deer. We walked some miles that day and they all mentioned that the grounds they have permission on are low on ground game 


where area of Yorkshire are you hunting in?!

I hunt around the north east cost area of  North Yorkshire and the game levels are as good as ever!

lots of hares and rabbits still about which is surprising cos there are a lot of buzzards and theres no shortage of deer 

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