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Christmas stress

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Is it just me that feels Christmas stress !!!!! One of the daughters has rung up with suggestions of altering the whole seating setup and how Christmas day could be organised. Now she hasn't done this with any malice but as a helpful suggestion. Now we have to do a complete rethink about how everything works out. Now when everyone is here it is close on personal space. Every year I detest the whole thing of Christmas and wish we could be jetting off to find some sunshine and leave all of the madness and upheaval behind. Unfortunately it is me that gets made out to be the villain of the plot and a miserable git by putting up alternative ideas. It's about the same as the father, son and the Donkey parable from Eesops fables. (If you're not familiar with the story, read it up. You'll see what I mean.)

So has the stress started to get into your household with er. Doing a million cards, a million presents and you getting dragged out around the shops and being called a miserable so and so if you so much as ask a question about anything?

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Oh my god.......call the United Nations!!  Im Sorry, I don’t recognise any of the above senarios because I was actually born a man ! 

Think I will get the wife couple of nice fishing reels then, "If your not going to use them i would better take them out". Lol Cheers Arry

I wouldn't have none of that nonsense mate.takeing the tv remote is as bad as kicking a man's dog.lol.  

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  On 13/12/2017 at 17:11, Meece said:

Is it just me that feels Christmas stress !!!!! One of the daughters has rung up with suggestions of altering the whole seating setup and how Christmas day could be organised. Now she hasn't done this with any malice but as a helpful suggestion. Now we have to do a complete rethink about how everything works out. Now when everyone is here it is close on personal space. Every year I detest the whole thing of Christmas and wish we could be jetting off to find some sunshine and leave all of the madness and upheaval behind. Unfortunately it is me that gets made out to be the villain of the plot and a miserable git by putting up alternative ideas. It's about the same as the father, son and the Donkey parable from Eesops fables. (If you're not familiar with the story, read it up. You'll see what I mean.)

So has the stress started to get into your household with er. Doing a million cards, a million presents and you getting dragged out around the shops and being called a miserable so and so if you so much as ask a question about anything?


No stress for me I do absolutely fukc all for Christmas my missus does everything and I just turn up on the day ???

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I know you don't want to hear it but this Xmas is turning out to be rather stress free ...I started a new job a few months back now normally in my trade is mental in December but this new firm have got it sussed we actually started winding down on the 1st of December they don't book any fitting in for December at all so we are jyst plodding on making stuff ready for January. ...as for shopping and all that malarkey well that's what the internet is for I can't remember the last time I had to do the dreaded Xmas shop its just a few clicks and as if by magic it turns up at your door :thumbs:

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I find it helpful to suggest you much prefer the old style Christmas - oranges and nuts as presents watching Muppet CC etc. Everyone ignores me and does their own thing I collect the turkey, the veg and watch Muppet CC unless drinking a few whisky tasters - oh yes forgot the Tree is my responsibility finding it and putting it up - decoration by 'others'.

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The mrs was having a fit 2 days ago because she couldn't order a turkey anywhere. The supermarkets didn't have any delivery or collection slots suitable. "Luckily" the local butcher came to the rescue and is getting us a free-range corn-fed bronze for about 3 times the price. What a star. :laugh:

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I also play a minimal part.........can't be ar5ed with it all !

Every year, without fail, the good lady tells me "we're only buying for children." And every year, she's frantically wrapping her endless online purchases, and telling me we've forgotten someone we haven't seen or heard from all year ! She sends cards to people I thought were dead, and gets them from relatives I've never met !

Stuff and f***ing nonsense, this Christmas lark !



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