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The jury is still out on whether it cures everything they say it does but you'd have to be a politician to not understand how it's medically beneficial for a plethora of conditions.  Weed can be

Along with the arms industry the industry in medicine is worth billions globally, and the last thing they want or need is a naturally growing plant that can do more than there million pound medicines

I was in the cannabis museum in Amsterdam a few weeks ago,they have on display car panels etc made from hemp,there's hempcrete houses in the states,Canada,uk,New Zealand etc,hemp clothing and shoe lin

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There was a test carried out on mice who were given tumours.  2 out of 3 were given cannabis. 

The tumours dissapeared and the one not given cannabis died. 

So yea i say again it definitely has some form of healing properties.  

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2 hours ago, The one said:

Isnt there some states in America you can get it legally ? but not them all 

Shed loads of dispensaries over this side,I told one re

igious guy it's illegal in the UK,he said so if a natural plant is illegal that means the British government are saying god made a mistake,that threw me a bit :blink: it's been used in medicinal form for thousands of years,it does have certain curative properties,but sadly it's not a be all and end all cure-all.


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Wasn’t the whole reason it was made illegal in the first place, more to do with the fact that nylon or poleyester or something had just been invented and the hemp was always gonna be better and cheaper so those in high places managed to get it made illegal to grow? 

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The jury is still out on whether it cures everything they say it does but you'd have to be a politician to not understand how it's medically beneficial for a plethora of conditions. 

Weed can be grown pretty much anywhere hence the name. If you could grow your own for whatever reasons it would seriously ding into the profit margins of certain corporations who provide inferior products that are much more expensive. These corporations are powerful lobbyists that will do everything they can to keep it from being made fully legal... they're losing the battle as normal people are becoming better informed about its benefits.

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57 minutes ago, air gun ant said:

Wasn’t the whole reason it was made illegal in the first place, more to do with the fact that nylon or poleyester or something had just been invented and the hemp was always gonna be better and cheaper so those in high places managed to get it made illegal to grow? 

Cotton industry mate ;)

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