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army dogs put down

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I’ll ask you one question  would you be happy living with your kids next door to a Belgian mallnois that’s been shifted around the country indeed the world , used by various levels of  handlers ,

Lol  where would you put them ?  Where are the homes for these dogs? 

Yep.......I have only ever re-homed 2 dogs. 1 to a stranger that luckily went well and the other to a bloke I’d trust with my life. Other than that I wouldn’t do it because I don’t think it’

  On 04/12/2017 at 21:49, dave88 said:

Quote from the article "It is understood that he assured them everything possible would be done to find a home for the dogs."

While I applaud the effort to rehome these dogs it's pretty clear that most of these activists are only willing to step up online...

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  On 04/12/2017 at 17:34, byron said:



Seen worse, e collar trained if not done correctly can leave a dog very reactive and confused not knowing what it can and can’t do, fucks it’s mind over 

the dog looks fresh so he ‘ll display plenty of energy, empty his tank and see what he’s got to offer, 

2 hard bitten dogs who display aggressive issues towards each other can be treated in much the same way,  tie them up within a few metres of each other and let them offload as much aggression as they can, after 4/5 hours I seen dogs drink water out of the same pot , 

its never personal , it’s energy 

Edited by Casso
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  On 04/12/2017 at 17:53, bird said:

true a child got no chance , if a dog went for it, you watch any average  size dog  say collie , spaniel , chew on a good size  beef bone  , they crunch them up easy, all dogs have strong jaws , that do damage  to us never mind a child . i gave my 2 dogs  1/2  a marrow  beef  bone  each  sat, i thought that stop  that big fecker Buck  chewing up his kennel like does :censored:   , so i watched him for few mins, bloody hell  he crunched  right into the knuckle end   easy  with  couple bites , got hell of a bite on him, these  Bel mals be similar  jaw , as said earlier    just hope they go to the right people   who under stand working type dogs ,  as in the wrong hands  they be dangerous  dog .


You ain't wrong, I've had a lot of different dog breeds over the years, all have been lab size and up, never been a fan of smaller breeds except maybe a working terrier.

I have a Mali now (amongst others), he is by no means the biggest, most powerful dog I've had, far from it,  but tell thee what, it would be a good bloke to take him on, he just keeps coming on, relentless, he gets a focus on something and he just does not want to stop, he does not feel pain, I've seen him hit stuff full pelt that would ko most things or people, straight back up and at it again in a blink,

i saw him get hit by a car when he bolted a munt out the garden, all happened in a blink of an eye, car was doing 35mph, the front wing and headlight were stoved in, I thought he was dead, straight up before the car had even stopped and back on the deer, I called him straight off and he came back, not a mark on him, no limp, nothing, I watched him all night thinking the worst, if I hadn't seen it happen I wouldn't have believed he had been out the house !

The most worrying thing, he is smart. You can read it in him, he thinks, smarter than the average bear.

I am lucky that he has been brought up right, he just wants to please me and the Mrs, I believe he would die for us, he is so focused on his commands he reacts in an instant, I can now stop him in his tracks a field away with one word, I for one would not want to see these dogs in the wrong hands, or hands that are not familiar with the breed.

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  On 06/12/2017 at 21:26, Rabid said:

You ain't wrong, I've had a lot of different dog breeds over the years, all have been lab size and up, never been a fan of smaller breeds except maybe a working terrier.

I have a Mali now (amongst others), he is by no means the biggest, most powerful dog I've had, far from it,  but tell thee what, it would be a good bloke to take him on, he just keeps coming on, relentless, he gets a focus on something and he just does not want to stop, he does not feel pain, I've seen him hit stuff full pelt that would ko most things or people, straight back up and at it again in a blink,

i saw him get hit by a car when he bolted a munt out the garden, all happened in a blink of an eye, car was doing 35mph, the front wing and headlight were stoved in, I thought he was dead, straight up before the car had even stopped and back on the deer, I called him straight off and he came back, not a mark on him, no limp, nothing, I watched him all night thinking the worst, if I hadn't seen it happen I wouldn't have believed he had been out the house !

The most worrying thing, he is smart. You can read it in him, he thinks, smarter than the average bear.

I am lucky that he has been brought up right, he just wants to please me and the Mrs, I believe he would die for us, he is so focused on his commands he reacts in an instant, I can now stop him in his tracks a field away with one word, I for one would not want to see these dogs in the wrong hands, or hands that are not familiar with the breed.


Sounds more like a velociraptor than a dog :icon_eek:

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  On 06/12/2017 at 21:26, Rabid said:

You ain't wrong, I've had a lot of different dog breeds over the years, all have been lab size and up, never been a fan of smaller breeds except maybe a working terrier.

I have a Mali now (amongst others), he is by no means the biggest, most powerful dog I've had, far from it,  but tell thee what, it would be a good bloke to take him on, he just keeps coming on, relentless, he gets a focus on something and he just does not want to stop, he does not feel pain, I've seen him hit stuff full pelt that would ko most things or people, straight back up and at it again in a blink,

i saw him get hit by a car when he bolted a munt out the garden, all happened in a blink of an eye, car was doing 35mph, the front wing and headlight were stoved in, I thought he was dead, straight up before the car had even stopped and back on the deer, I called him straight off and he came back, not a mark on him, no limp, nothing, I watched him all night thinking the worst, if I hadn't seen it happen I wouldn't have believed he had been out the house !

The most worrying thing, he is smart. You can read it in him, he thinks, smarter than the average bear.

I am lucky that he has been brought up right, he just wants to please me and the Mrs, I believe he would die for us, he is so focused on his commands he reacts in an instant, I can now stop him in his tracks a field away with one word, I for one would not want to see these dogs in the wrong hands, or hands that are not familiar with the breed.


Do you use him as a lurcher? How do you rate him? Did you get stung for the damage to the car? I only ask because I lost a dog under the wheels of a car and I also paid the damage to the guy's car. Double crap.

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I have tried him on the lamp, without great success, he is fast no doubt about it he can outrun them, but he cannot turn, he finds them too unpredictable, he isn't a Lin distance sigh hunter either, he uses his nose all the time and I've seen him run 2 foot from a rabbi and not notice I.


 The odds were stacked against us as neither of us really knew what we were doing.


I was lucky with the car in both respects, despite me offering to pay all damages, the guy wouldn't hear of it or take anything, he was more concerned about the dog, I kept trying to pay for it, but he just said it was his own company car and it didn't matter !

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