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unusual commands

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perhaps it's just me but far better to have animals trained not to run in on another ones kill mine it's mine when it's in the bag until then it's the jukels fa that we'd bit of a moment  I train mine at a mere few mths old ta not run in or run another jukels lamped rabbit unless asked, ,asking a animal to ignore game at given times his far easier on a one on one basis there's lurchemen and Cher there's that keep Lurcher types  why keep a animal merely ta be used has a catcher of game then run em in packs ,the majority of keepers with lurchers today would get by with sight hounds .having the attention span needed in a top working trained Lurcher his usually needed in the handler ,and they're beard like hens teeth these days.atb bunnys

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I use the word look if they got there nose down and i see something they have not to get them to lift there head up and if they still can not see owt  i point and they go. The old dog will piss on command even if he don't want one he just lifts is leg  

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Had em since a Baird Gilbert  anda those that know me will tell theni did venture da a wee while in to a small couple a hounds beagles and Russell beagles.but seriously there been lots culled some reformed and a good few killed at work in one way or other never been one fa packs of jukels lurchers they are to me a one hound affair leave the foot and mounted hunters to there thing.i ain't one a these fellas keeps animals in to dotage etc only the special ones should in my view be kept fa further generations to many of these types today that get to sentimental they what they are working animals i had a period of sentiment in my forties this I shook off and got back on track thank feck this attitude at some stage will get ya a special one. The rest are forgotten.atb bunnys

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:hmm:Well, I'm a bit of a soft touch with my dogs,( never used to be)...but, nowadays I tend to keep them as Pet/Companions...

Curiously enough, I haven't noticed all that much difference in our contemporary rabbiters, to our older style 'serious' workers.

We can still have a weekend away on the good productive ground, and catch whats on offer, ..but achieved, without the former hassle, stress, and strain...

Dogs should be a pleasure to own, train and to live with, if they are not, best to part company for the happiness of all concerned:thumbs:


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  On 29/11/2017 at 15:27, billhardy said:

Had em since a Baird Gilbert  anda those that know me will tell theni did venture da a wee while in to a small couple a hounds beagles and Russell beagles.but seriously there been lots culled some reformed and a good few killed at work in one way or other never been one fa packs of jukels lurchers they are to me a one hound affair leave the foot and mounted hunters to there thing.i ain't one a these fellas keeps animals in to dotage etc only the special ones should in my view be kept fa further generations to many of these types today that get to sentimental they what they are working animals i had a period of sentiment in my forties this I shook off and got back on track thank feck this attitude at some stage will get ya a special one. The rest are forgotten.atb bunnys


just having a laugh Bill, always had dogs as well but always been a soft shite, with you on running one but out walking/ratching about or on the hill is totally different

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When a pup is starting to retrieve dummies consistently I teach "seekback" then seekback to one they haven't seen me drop. Before sending them back for the "blind" one I get them to sit then I look from them to where the dummy is hidden. I do this a few times before sending them and pretty soon flashing my eyes back and forth is enough to send them off to look for it.

A side effect of this has been that they notice now when I spot something that they haven't seen. I never intended that but it can be useful when I spot something away off in the woods or heather. It's always a pleasant surprise to me how they nearly always have a bit of their eye on what I'm doing as well as looking and scenting themselves.

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