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How long can I leave my ferrets for?

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Hi guys. 

I have a 1 week holiday booked in the Winter and was thinking about how long I can leave my ferrets for. I have 2 young ferrets and I know that they will eat a rabbit from head to toe in about a week and if I leave 2 water feeders these will easily last longer than a week. 

To date - I haven’t left them for longer than 10 hours without going to them, getting them out, cleaning out etc so I don’t know how long they would last without me. 

Im kind of thinking that if I gut their hutch and leave them a frozen pigeon and a fresh rabbit on the day that I leave then they would be fine but that would feel a little cruel. 

Would love to hear other people’s opinion and what they do. 


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My wife has now arranged for a house sitter who will come and live in the house while we are away so she will look after the dogs and see to the ferrets too.

In all fairness I hadn’t considered the ferrets knocking the water off or the water freezing 

Thanks for the comments guys


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Good decision ? I've had guys tell me they wrap the bottle in foam ... socks and all sorts of stuff and yep that's great the water in the bottle  won't freeze but the water in the metal drinking tube and the little ball inside will still freeze there's nothing you can do about it except thaw out every day or have double the bottles and swap them over morning and night ......

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