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Skinned Carcass Colour

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Every day is a school day so hopefully the answer to this is obvious. Please enlighten me.

The roe in the left was a yearling follower hung in the skin for a week. It was skinned on the same day as the roe on the right, an adult doe, skinned on the day it was shot. The picure was taken the following day.

Why the hell does one look like Venison and the other like Michael Jackson?! 



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They will have a totally different feel as as well, they dry out massively if skinned and hung because the air is changing in the chiller it draws the moisture from the carcass , the ones I’ve hung skinned always get that dark dried out look and feel . I seldom skin them till I’m about to butcher them ..

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Both were chest shot and were oblivious beforehand, the pale one made 10m or so not much more. 

I thought it might be something to do with it being both a younger animal and hanging them in the skin but never noticed it this much before. Either way I’m keen to avoid it as it’s not very attractive for the chefs I’m selling it to. 


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There's something in the back of my head that recalls that younger animals are naturally paler... Might be wrong.

i think the meat colour is determined by myoglobin levels and older animals have much more than younger. I think!

Edited by Born Hunter
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I found this,

Active muscles, like dark meat, have 3-5x more myoglobin than white meat. Older animals may contain 5-10x more than young (think pale veal). But even within one species and one butchered animal, myoglobin levels and stability can vary due to stress, acidity, salinity, chilling rates, activity, pH, feed, enzymes, etc.


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