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I haven't tested any crap pellets for a while ........

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........ So I thought I'd do some this morning :yes:


Nothing too scientific, just 5 shots of each from the Daystate Mk3, indoors, 30yrds.


I also ran them over the chrono while target testing.......


H&N Sniper Magnum - 570.6 fps average - 6 fps variance.


Crosman Piranha - 631.4 fps average - 9 fps variance.


H&N FTT Power (Copper) - 537 fps average - 43 fps variance.


Falcon Accuracy Plus - 790 fps average - 5 fps variance.


H&N FTT Green - 861 fps average - 6 fps variance.


Prometheus (Plastic shite) - 712 fps average - a whopping 168 fps variance :o


In fact, only 2 of the Prometheus pellets managed to even hit the target - I knew they'd be bad but, it's been a long time since I fired a pellet and thought 'Where the feck did that go' :rolleyes::laugh:




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  On 12/11/2017 at 11:30, villaman said:

Nice to do a bit of pellet testing :thumbs:, I enjoy do it as well 

IMO JSB heavies or Daystate heavies ,(same pellet) probably the best .177 pellet in most guns ,although i use AA Express in my HW100k


I agree mate - I've never tried the Daystate ones but, I can't remember owning a rifle that didn't like the JSB Heavies :thumbs:

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  On 12/11/2017 at 11:41, mattwhite said:

Great post Jon. I love a pellet test.

I've got some proper shite pellets I dug out. You have inspired me to test them later on. Im convinced they will be crap but it's interesting anyway???


Cheers Matt :thumbs:


It's amazing what ends up getting forgotten in the bottom of the shooting cupboard.


I think it's fun to see just how crap some of these really are.

Although, the FTT Green did surprise me by giving a pretty decent group from an HW100 a while ago.

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"Haven't tested any crap pellets for a while..."

FAP's :D papahahahahahahgHhahHha

Love that mate. You'll get the lead snobs taking your poo shoot to the cleaners... 

Them piranhas are new to me. Love the name though relates well to the teeth up front.

I must open my eyes to other stuff, but I cant when I can't fault trophies, barras or exacts. The real trophies obvs. The mrs bought me some greens for xmas last year... STRAIGHT in the bin. Cheers babe. 

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