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Loosing face on here mate really, this is a website were faceless people can live a made up life, I,m sure I,ll survive the shame of it, the moon pic was a bit easier to get as well, as its massive co

You could be right. There are no records of lynx attacking anyone (Quick google search).So I'm sure that would be taken into account. Dogs kill kids every year. Personally I'd be much more concer

Shot because it was deemed to be a severe risk to humans, what a load of bollocks, public have more to worry about from chavs and their bull breeds than they ever would from a Lynx 

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I'd be interested to know if any of the sightings of this escaped lynx has produced any unmistakable HD quality photos or footage? After all, how do we know it's really still there?? :whistling:

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  On 08/11/2017 at 10:06, Accip74 said:

I'd be interested to know if any of the sightings of this escaped lynx has produced any unmistakable HD quality photos or footage? After all, how do we know it's really still there?? :whistling:


Yes they have actually lol. One shows it standing next to a cage trap! The zoo people say they are monitoring the lynx very closely and it is still very close to where it escaped, they also say they are close to catching it! Doesn't ring true when something like this happens involving sheep! ??

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  On 08/11/2017 at 10:18, Haiddheliwr said:

Yes they have actually lol. One shows it standing next to a cage trap! The zoo people say they are monitoring the lynx very closely and it is still very close to where it escaped, they also say they are close to catching it! Doesn't ring true when something like this happens involving sheep! ??


Shut up Haiddheliwr!! Don't ruin my fcuking moment! 

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  On 08/11/2017 at 09:00, Born Hunter said:

0.4/year was a European average. The number was 25/year in Norway!


I think  that's what I said roughly, i no many think I,m a madman and what I do is all fake, but in the early 80,s when the cat phenominum really took hold in the uk, Bodmin and exmoor were losing upto 30 sheep per night this was captive bred released animals behaving like fat kids in a cake shop but they quickly learnt and adapted and one thing that's very clear to me is that sheep are a last resort meal for older animals struggling to hunt or parents trying to feed young and not a food of choice, they don't like the chemical taste from dips and sprays and seem to dislike the fleece as well. I think after a lifetime in a shitty zoo he deserves a couple of years of freedom and hopefully he,ll add  a bit of fresh blood to the handful still here, ( just my feelings ) 

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  On 08/11/2017 at 09:07, jukel123 said:


What's the chances of it actually starving to death Greyman? It must be so habituated to having its grub provided that this must be a possibility. Any other cases where this has happened?


According to my sources it's seven sheep killed two partially consumed so if it is him he's getting by, it's got to be a possibility though I no there was the remains of a leopard found on Bodmin moor in the early 80,s I guess it's age and health will have a bearing on if it survives or not

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  On 08/11/2017 at 10:18, Haiddheliwr said:

Yes they have actually lol. One shows it standing next to a cage trap! The zoo people say they are monitoring the lynx very closely and it is still very close to where it escaped, they also say they are close to catching it! Doesn't ring true when something like this happens involving sheep! ??


And it was the presence of the camera that appears to have spooked him off the trap,  I think they have been advised to remove the cameras now, I'm sure a member of the group I,m involved with is helping them out will see if I can track a picture down I did have it sent to me but I could,nt get the link to work 

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  On 08/11/2017 at 12:58, Greyman said:

According to my sources it's seven sheep killed two partially consumed so if it is him he's getting by, it's got to be a possibility though I no there was the remains of a leopard found on Bodmin moor in the early 80,s I guess it's age and health will have a bearing on if it survives or not


What are your sources ? 

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