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Raw diet

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  On 01/12/2017 at 11:02, skycat said:

Who the hell would feed their dogs cucumber? Seriously! It's nearly all water, the skin is hard as feck to digest for humans, let alone dogs, and the  amount of minerals it contains is negligible. 


If there eat it An it’s going spare I’d treat them to a bit got to be better than binning something you’ve payed for it can’t be a bad thing treating a dog to something high in h2o

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I’ve gone back to feeding all raw after trying a racing greyhound style diet, dabbling with complete mixed in and carbs. My dog had soft shit the whole time. I use this site as a guide https://perfect

Chicken mince doesn't need to be fed with biscuits to be digested that's a load of nonsense. 

I've fed chicken wings for 25yrs and never had a problem RH.with pups I used to smack them a good few times with a lump hammer on a chopping block.so the pups can get them down. I've got 1 of the

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  On 14/11/2017 at 22:52, dodger said:

NNone of my tribe will touch raw pheasant or duck which is a shame as can get plenty so just get a few brace a week n breast em but Gota cook em for em..


This tw@t will eat absolutely anything except raw chicken livers and skin :blink:

He has a good appetite and loves his grub and bones ;)

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  On 05/11/2017 at 15:33, Hunter_Mat said:

Im thinking of buying some chicken mince with 10-15% bone added.

Does anyone have any advice on what sort of things should I be giving my dog with the chicken to make sure he's getting everything he needs ?

i want to feed him raw all the time I just don't know what he needs as the minimum.


any help appreciated thanks 


I’ve gone back to feeding all raw after trying a racing greyhound style diet, dabbling with complete mixed in and carbs. My dog had soft shit the whole time. I use this site as a guide https://perfectlyrawsome.com/

This is a typical meal for my beddy whippet. He puts some shift in so needs quite a bit. Currently 550g in the evening. I prefer 20% bone in the diet, keeps things nice and firm. I also feel 10% organ meat is far too much, out of the 550g I feed 30g liver and that’s plenty. Hope it helps. Been feeding raw for a few years now




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  On 01/12/2017 at 14:06, poxon said:

That’s what I thought But was interested in the carbs benefit as it was bought up I’ve no problems how or about feeding raw I think I’ve mastered it I can understand about Salukis or heavy saluki blooded dogs as in Arab countries I bet there main diet would be a high carbohydrate base diet based on the types of food Arabs eat.the same said about dogs fed entirely on chicken frames I bet there poo is like talcum powder an calcium levels through the roof  


Carbohydrates are a completely natural energy source for both humans and dogs. Its actually unnatural to feed a dog a raw diet unless it is a husky.  Carbohydrates have enabled Wolves (marathon runners) to evolve to sprinting dogs. The benefits for both humans and dogs is that carbs give us easy access to an energy source. this is important when a dog (or human) is repeatedly sprinting.  If we don't have access to carbs we have to use protein and/or fat but this is less efficient, especially if no carbohydrate is present. The balance of protein to fat is different for different dogs but a higher fat diet is better for greyhound type dogs.

Think of it this way. 

  • No carb diets can help fat people loose weight and models stay thin 
  • High protein diets can help body builders increase bulk 
  • Olympic sprinters have a mixed diet of carbs, fat and protein 
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  On 02/12/2017 at 23:52, PJCaswell said:

Carbohydrates are a completely natural energy source for both humans and dogs. Its actually unnatural to feed a dog a raw diet unless it is a husky.  Carbohydrates have enabled Wolves (marathon runners) to evolve to sprinting dogs. The benefits for both humans and dogs is that carbs give us easy access to an energy source. this is important when a dog (or human) is repeatedly sprinting.  If we don't have access to carbs we have to use protein and/or fat but this is less efficient, especially if no carbohydrate is present. The balance of protein to fat is different for different dogs but a higher fat diet is better for greyhound type dogs.

Think of it this way. 

  • No carb diets can help fat people loose weight and models stay thin 
  • High protein diets can help body builders increase bulk 
  • Olympic sprinters have a mixed diet of carbs, fat and protein 

Its actually unnatural to feed a dog a raw diet unless it is a husky..

What makes you think that.?

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I know a few and have done myself in the past feed complete with a cheap tin of beef n veg stew over the top and odd bit of cheap chicken didnt do the dogs no harm. 


Fed alot of venison aswell but found its better when mixed with fatty flesh.

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  On 03/12/2017 at 12:05, socks said:

This is what mine get daily .... Beef venison lard mixed veg tomatoe apple cider vinegar sf50 and turmeric ........



I allways thought it was a no no vinegar in a metal bowl ?


Turmeric is great stuff do you ever break them from the supplements ? As in two weeks off week on ect.

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