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Time to break out the bad boy

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I've kindly been offered a day Fallow stalking on Tuesday, so I've been blowing the cobwebs off the 308 and knocking up some ammo. 44gr of N140 under a 150gr Sierra Prohunter. It's a middle of the road load for that size bullet, but is by far the most accurate in my gun. Just sighted a few in at 100 yards and they were a little high (about an inch) and about 1/2" left, but i think that was the wind. Grouped nicely which is what counts. 

Roll on Tuesday. :thumbs:




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Had a terrific day. I admit it wasn't looking promising earlier as the wind wasn't in a great direction and it was drizzling most of the time.

For our morning stalk we arrived at the ground just before dawn. There was a lot of deer activity as we drove in, but didn't see that much as we crept around the woods.  The dog picked up on a scent and sure enough there was a yearling doe standing in front of us. My host elbowed me out of the way so I was stuck behind a tree and had zero chance of even seeing the deer, let alone taking a shot as he brought his gun up to claim the glory. :laugh: About 5 or 6 other deer appeared and scattered at the gunshot.

We carried on walking for a while but didn't see anything else, so took the deer to the truck and went for breakfast.

For our evening session we went to a different ground and sat in a high seat. We got there at about 3.30. Apart from a couple of pheasants there wasn't much activity. Again it was drizzling with rain. By 4.30 I knew we only had about half an hour of light left and to be honest I was kind of losing hope of nabbing my first fallow. I consoled myself that at least we had the one (very small) deer between us and we'd had a laugh. 

About 15 minutes later, a pricket appeared out of the bushes to our right (my side of the seat) and was walking away from us. I aimed the gun waiting for it to turn and my mate called it. First call and it stopped. Second call and it turned to look at us. It was almost sideways on but not completely.  I took the shot and it ran into the bracken opposite us at speed. Surely I couldn't have missed from such close range?

We got down out of the seat and the dog went into the bracken after it. She found it almost immediately and came out to let us know. I had another round in the chamber in case it was only wounded, but when we got to it, it was dead as a dodo. The bullet had hit exactly where I had aimed, but due to it not being completely broadside to us, the bullet went through the heart, but lodged in the opposite shoulder.  

By the time we had dragged it into the open to take a photo it was completely dark. Dragging a 120lb carcass back to the truck which was parked miles away, in the dark, took some doing.

I was properly made up and I've still got a grin on my face today. :D

Great day, great company and a day to remember. Thanks mate. 

Excuse the quality of the photo. I wish I'd taken my camera now instead of just the phone.



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