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Thanks to those that said they would come and didnt bother :thumbdown: Some people were turned down because I thought we had enough ..Nice meeting you and your mate Steve.How many ??? .If your mate wants to come with the lurchers and run some of those longeared things too many here now .cheers mate

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Thanks to those that said they would come and didnt bother :thumbdown: Some people were turned down because I thought we had enough ..Nice meeting you and your mate Steve.How many ??? .If your mate wants to come with the lurchers and run some of those longeared things too many here now .cheers mate
hi don had a great day good company good sport the weather was that kind to us that you didnt realy need a coat its a shame people let you down in the working dog world its getting hard for us to get permission on land and a place like that today is the ratting terriers heaven f--k me there was some big rats there like i said we must of had over 460 odd so those who let you down missed out big time if you charged an entry fee they would be cars and vans bumper to bumper down the road for several miles cant wait for the next trip don thanks lads great meeting you all regards steve uk . :toast::toast::toast:
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