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Red laser

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I have been messing around with a friend's laser with the thought of using it to pin point shot rabbits so when I or my pal knock over a rabbit at night, it would be possible to switch on the laser to roughly point to where the dead bunny is as we take it in turns to go out and pick up when the other one is shooting. Now on large stubble fields or grass for that matter at 50 - 80mt, it can be very tricky to find the quarry. I know a thermal spotter would be much easier and it is one the cards but nevertheless I would like to try a laser out.


So have any of you used one and if so which do you recommend, ideally one that has plenty of adjustment on in order to set it on the scope picture / NV screen.


Your thoughts would be gratefully received.



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I was thinking doing the same , althou. I have a thermal spotter if its wet and the cover crop is higher than say 4 inches thermal finds it hard to spot bunnies in the wet cover .

so a spot lazer on where the rabbit was shot would help

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2 hours ago, BRY said:

I was thinking doing the same , althou. I have a thermal spotter if its wet and the cover crop is higher than say 4 inches thermal finds it hard to spot bunnies in the wet cover .

so a spot lazer on where the rabbit was shot would help

Interesting about the wet grass Bry, I will take that into account.

The one I borrowed just didn't have the degree of adjustment needed to align the red spot to the scope picture. Perhaps some kind of adjustable connector to offer better laser positioning on the gun/scope depending on the gun being used. I will be using it on my FX Impact to start with but also on my rimfire at a later stage once the system works (hopefully). It will be easier on the Impact as there are extra weaver/picatiny rails to use but the rimmy is another thing altogether.



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When i go lamping i take four lazerlites with different filters on them , who goes for the rabbit takes a spare light with them , If your off a bit in the dark it can take ages to find a rabbit and that pisses me off i dump my hat and walk in bigger circles round it till i find it  , if the rabbit just slumps down its a dam sight harder to find than if it rolls over and you can see the white belly . Ive tried small torches head torches from the pound shop but a wee lazerlite  is  the bees knees for me get out  put the light on you have enough light to see the rabbit with out alerting every rabbit in the place  and back with out wasting time , Or look a d lloyds lamps on here  im starting to use the red filter one and its a handy tool . Im just thinking if your mate aims a lazer you walk out if your off a bit you wont find it  and you wont have enough light off it to see your feet 

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